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Let's watch our girl play her cards.


He let the pain tear through his body while his mind went somewhere else. He knew better than to resist it. So he went to her arms, her scent, the feel of her, her hair tickling him, her hands stroking him. Her. Moaning under him. Smiling, laughing, light. She was happy. She was alive. She was safe.

Somewhere else his body contorted in an agony so great that it couldn't be explained. Some part of his brain called on him - are we sure this is ok? Much too much pain. We should do something about this. Fight, flee. Despair, panic.

He tried to sooth it. Shush now. We are going to die today. Just let it happen. The sooner, the better.

He wondered how long it would take for them to finally kill him. How much more he'd have to endure before he could rest.

Wait. Another part of his brain called. What did Ton just say? "Before the aurors get here." How could he know that? Where had he gotten that information?

Shush you too. None of our business. Not anymore. Let's just stay with her... the sweet memory of her... until they finally do us in.

Will she be safe, though? If there are people in the Ministry supporting a terrorist action in Hogwarts?



Oh, fuck.


Severus sat up gingerly, looking at the ringleader coldly, as if he were a salesman with a bad pitch.

"Hi, there!" Nay called from above.

All of them turned around at once. "Who...?" asked one of the wizards.

And now there was terror in Severus's face.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Dolohov let out a laugh. "Hello, sweetie!" He said, merrily. "Ain't you pretty!"

No, no, Merlin, please, no no no no

They were watching her fly around, wands at the ready, as if she were a fly and they had swatters.

Fucking hell! Fucking McGonagall... Casavergine... Flitwick... Fuck! They only had to hold her, just for a while, that was all! Shit!

"I know you! You're a muggle ! I saw you in the paper!" He had a huge smile on his face, like he was happy. "You're the muggle Muggle Studies teacher!" He sneered. "Oh, disgrace upon disgrace in this school..." Antonin said, still grinning.

He kept trying to summon his wand... he was too exhausted to even move.


Nay saw Severus move on the floor. He was looking for something. His wand? Why couldn't he summon it? Then she saw the briefcase. It must have been placed inside it.

"Watcha doing on that broom, filth? How come you can do that?" his tone of voice was sickly and cheerful at the same time, friendly in a fake and disturbed way. "Careful. You might fall..." he quickly pointed at her and shot a spell.

Severus yelled "NO!"

Nay dove fast, avoiding the hit.

Antonin laughed again; now they were all trying to hit her and she was flying as fast as she could, swerving up and down to avoid them.

"Oh, I see! Like mother, like son, huh, filthy half-breed? She your girlfriend, ay? Crucio!"

Snape was lifted off the floor once again, screaming horribly.

He had completely lost control and given her away. Fuck.

Dolohov was going to use them against each other now. He was trying to get her to lose her nerve and charge at him without a chance of success.

"I hear muggle women give the best head, Snapie-O! That true?" He said, moving his wand, and Severus's screams got louder.

The sound was maddening. Nay used all the strength she had not to fly right into his trap; there were five of them and they were wizards. She needed to keep her wits about her.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Dolohov said with glee. "Now I get to tear you apart in front of him!"


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