A phone call

191 7 2

Short, sweet, hot.
I hope you like it! <3


"So?" Severus asked, as she hung up.

"Calais it is. Harry will talk to Hermione. They are all together at the Burrow."

"And where are we going to meet them?"

"In whatever hotel is closest to the Tour du Guet." Then she snorted. "Did you know today is New Year's Eve? I completely forgot about that. Harry reminded me of it."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh. Yes."

He had originally planned big things for them. So much for that.

He then looked down. "I had planned for us to see the fireworks in Mooiewratten."

"Awwww. You are so lovely." She kissed him. "I think we can still make it, can't we? We can certainly try..."

He wasn't going to get his hopes up, though.

"Ok." He put his arms around her, pressing her against the cabin glass deliciously, kissing her neck. He smelled so good, oh, this man...

"It's almost four hours by train." She pointed out, panting, before she lost track of herself. "We should leave now. Unless we're renting a car..."

What was she on about?

Severus stopped, shocked. "Why can't we just apparate?"

"Really? Side-along apparition?" Nay was really excited. She had never done that before.

"Yes. It's close enough to be safe for both of us." He shrugged. Such nonchalance in him. "Unless you'd rather not..."

Again she was impressed with his level of skill. No one had ever dared apparate with her tagging along at all, let alone hundreds of kilometres away.

She had that dazzled look on her face. He loved it.

He cocked his head to the side and lifted one eyebrow. "No one ever apparated with you before?" Now he had that smug boyish smile on his face again.

"You'll be the first to have that immense privilege, my beautiful show off." She laughed.

He was going to show off, alright.

"I'm honored, as usual. I'll make the most of it, then." His voice dropped enticingly. "And I'll be gentle, since it's your first time." He said leaning into her again.

"Will it hurt?" She asked in a rasping low voice, looking up at him provocatively.

"Only if you want it to." He kissed her cheek and her jaw and her neck as she moaned. "I'll do it to you just the way you like it." He whispered into her ear, and she was already rolling her hips forward to him, wanting him inside her, now.

He ardently wished he could fuck her. He wondered if she would...

"Take me, Severus..." She murmured, kissing him.

Oh, yes.

He broke the kiss to cast the wards - diverting, muffling, sealing; this was a much busier street than the last one and there were many people passing by... yet that just made it wilder, hotter.

He went back to kissing her and pressing against her and it was crazy how much she wanted him immediately.

Now he realised it must be the first time they were out with her wearing trousers. And that was an added challenge.

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