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Expectations were raised, after all.


Waiting around for him was only barely made bearable by the letters exchanged between them. Things were heating up, at least in writing. It was very promising. Apparently, upon Severus's return, their relationship just might go from Jane Austen to Anais Nin. And she was definitely soaking ready for it.

She decided to harvest the tagnassee weeds in the Black Lake. Just in case. She couldn't go with him, but she could do her bit.

It would be complicated - she'd need leather bags because the touch of metal ruined them when they were fresh, and she'd have to do it at night, as the sunlight scorched them very quickly.

She'd use gillyweed for the dive - the most practical approach, since she was a muggle and it was something she already had. However, being a muggle, the effect on her would be shorter; she'd need to know just where the caves were before diving. Also, there were creatures in the lake, and many of them might be unfriendly, to say the least.

She studied the issues and planned accordingly, deciding to wait until midnight, so most of the creatures would be asleep. Also, she wanted to keep her expedition a secret. She knew if she spoke about this to anyone they'd just try to stop her and she needed this badly, she needed to feel like she was doing something, not just sitting around and waiting. She wanted to feel like she was participating somehow.

It all went down smoothly as planned. She took a row boat to the deeper end of the lake and dove with a head flashlight, fins and gills painfully grown from the ghillie weed as soon as she touched the cold water; she knew what to expect - she had done that before.

It was a dark moonless night; the starry sky was striking.

She managed to flawlessly collect three bags full of weeds and return before changing back. She was holding onto the boat, finishing the change, when she saw a dark figure silently hovering above her on a broom, wand out at the ready.

A wave of fondness invaded her as her flashlight showed Severus's face squinting at her.

Still unable to speak, she turned off the flashlight and took it off. It was probably what attracted him - talk about coincidences... that he would be flying over the lake at precisely the moment in which she was there! Then she offered her face to his scrutiny, smiling broadly.

He lit his wand in order to see her. "Fancy seeing you here."

She could sense his disapproving tone and loved it. Oh, she had missed that sourpuss. "Hi" she gasped. "Glad to see you too."

"What were you up to?" He said, ignoring her, sounding very annoyed. "Swimming at this time of the night?" That voice.

"Can't you guess?", she said, still gasping, gesturing towards the boat and finding and taking a warming potion as her body rapidly cooled now that the ghilly weed's effect had worn off.

He moved the light to illuminate the boat and saw the bags.

"Tagnassee weeds?"

She just nodded.

She climbed back on the boat, aware of the fact that she was naked, and looked provocatively at him. He looked at her slowly, from head to toe and back. She enjoyed his gaze as if it were an actual touch and could already feel her pussy warming up inside.

Then he pointed his wand at her; she felt a warm breeze rush over her, drying her skin and hair.

"Thank you", she smiled and began putting on her clothes. "Welcome back."

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