Should we stay or should we go

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More plot and a teensy bit of smut this time...


They kissed deeply; before she could take it further, though, he stopped and said, "There's something else."

God, what now?

He began hesitatingly, as if he didn't know where to start. "After we finished our legilimency experiment, it struck me as very odd that they'd have just let you go after what you showed you were able to do."

She was thoroughly confused.

"When I was leaving Shacklebolt's office, it occurred to me to ask to see that file they had on my future wife ."

That was... odd.

"See, I referred to you that way to play on his sympathy. Also, I didn't ask him if there was a file. I talked as if I already knew of it." He said, savoring his manipulation tactics, looking very pleased with himself.

"Show off." She smiled. "And that worked, I suppose?"

"Indeed. He went straight into telling me that, as I must be aware, he couldn't let me do that. It took him a second to catch himself and realise I'd been fishing - although he pretended that he didn't notice."

"So not only was there a file on me, but Shacklebolt knew of it." Nay said.

"Precisely." Severus continued. "You were interrogated, what? Over twenty years ago? An unofficial interrogation of a muggle that led nowhere. It was nothing extraordinary - Crouch had become quite the inquisitor back then; aurors were authorized to use unforgivables, including the killing curse. The Ministry today would have liked to distance itself from that murky, shady past. And yet your file wasn't swept under the carpet or shredded with the changes in the administration. No, it was hot ."

He looked at her. "It's possible that your file was dormant and they picked it up recently on account of Dolohov's attack, or even your association with me; but, personally, I believe they've been keeping tabs on you for the past twenty years, Nayme. A muggle with a natural resistance to magic is something that would raise eyebrows all around in the wizarding world."

Nay was so stunned she didn't know what to think.

"You know, when you told me what Casavergine had said about my file , I felt terrible; it dawned on me that you'd soon be in it as well. They'd be watching you too - because of me. Now I found out you actually had a file all for yourself all along. At least that's a load off my mind." He chuckled.

She snorted, kissing him, then she thought... "Do you think... Lorenzo..." She started.

"I highly doubt he would have been hired in that capacity - either to watch me or you; Minerva would never play along with something like that. Dumbledore might have, but she certainly wouldn't. But it may have been asked of him that he reports any 'suspicious activities' he learns of." He answered. "Not sure he knows about your file, though. I really don't think so. He was looking to get involved with you there for a while and, as I told you before, he seemed emotionally invested in it."

Something else suddenly took over Nay's concerns. "Oh, my god. We were fucking... on the street."

Most gratifyingly, yes.

"Yes, but don't worry, I was careful about that." Severus said. "We were on the muggle side and I had cast a diverting spell - anyone who happened upon us would suddenly feel the urge to look the other way."

"Oh. That's what that was. I thought you were warding off muggles from the entrance to Mooiewratten." Then she smiled. "I had thought it a bit out of character - you are usually much more discreet."

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