The Whomping Willow

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Nay keeps making friends... and Severus likes to watch her do it.

Interestingly enough, this has been by far the most scandalous bit in the book - well this and the bit with the bone, actually (we will get there soon enough, don't worry). It surprised me how many people were shocked by it. As an avid treeclimber myself, I can tell you it is perfectly feasible, though. Anyway, i should warn you: apparently it will be a crazy ride. Don't be too put off; there's kind of a point to it coming up soon.


The arrival of spring meant the return of one of Nay's favorite hobbies. She had always loved climbing trees and Hogwarts was an excellent place for that.

He loved watching her do that, and not just because she looked sexy as hell - agile, flexible, strong - but because she always looked so happy when she did it.

Students sometimes joined her (much to Madam Pomfrey's dismay), eventually remarking that she was "a bit mental" when they saw the loving way with which she spoke with the trees. Nay, however, didn't care. It was her thing and it made sense to her.

She felt immense gratitude toward the strong, at times centennial beings that would provide her shadow and maybe even fruit beside the support for the simple and delightful joy of climbing them to the very top. So she let them know of her appreciation.

He thought it was beautiful. If it were anyone else, he'd think it ridiculous, but not her. And it was more than just her being her and him loving anything having to do with her; it was the way she did it. So... loving and natural. Like a deep, sincere prayer of gratitude.

The famous Whomping Willow was her Everest, though. Nothing could go near it without it moving to grab, slash and thump. It could be deadly and she knew it.

"Why is that willow so mad? Has it always been that vicious?" She asked one day thoughtfully, while lying on his chest.

Severus laughed heartily.

"It's the way that species behaves. Nothing more." Then he saw her face and seemed terrified all of a sudden. "Nayme, please stay away from it, I beg you."

"I'll be very careful, my love, don't worry. I'll just conduct a few experiments with it. Try to establish a connection."

Experiments? Connection? Maybe she was the deeply fucked up one in the pair after all.

"Nayme, it could snap you in half like a twig. If you want to climb it so badly there's a knot on its trunk -"

"I know all about the knot on its trunk, Sev, but I don't want a button. I want consent. I respect it deeply; I would never touch it without its consent."

Consent? It was a fucking tree! And perfectly capable of defending itself against unwanted touching (which was any touching in its case).

"Merlin, woman, are you actively trying to get yourself killed?" He sounded desperate.

She caressed his face.

"This must be really scary for you. I'm sorry." She said. She knew one of the worst memories of his life involved that willow, albeit indirectly.

There. She was doing that thing that always disarmed him. She didn't do it on purpose, he knew it. She wasn't playing him. It was just the way she was, always diving deeper instead of floating on the surface, then inviting him along... and he couldn't resist her. He didn't want to.

"It's terrifying. I keep remembering that day... with the woolygobble. Please, Nay..." he sat up. She held his hand.

"Severus, could you please trust my judgement a tiny little bit more?"

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