A very nice office

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Nay and Severus invite William to play with them again.


"Mr. Pennard, Mr. Snape and Ms. Adams are here to see you." The receptionist called through the door.

They could hear him fumbling inside. "Please, show them in."

In a second they were standing in his very nice, smart office. It smelled like leather and juniper. Lovely. William was beaming at them. How would he feel about this?

Interesting - seeing Pennard actually aroused him. What would it be like to touch and be touched by him in this body?

He now understood what Nayme meant when she was talking about men and women and their bodies not really being the central issue. Not to her and, apparently, not to him, either. He was aroused by William. The fact that William was a man or that he had a penis were but details in that regard. He had known pleasure, tenderness and intimacy in the presence of that person. That was what really factored into his attraction. His body - in whatever shape - responded to that man before his mind had a chance to censor it. And Severus was very much done with censorship (as, it seemed, was his delightful wife).

He had a feeling that being in her body made him less self-conscious about his attraction to another man. Like wearing a mask. Interestingly enough, it was also hot as hell to watch Nayme interact with Will wearing him as a mask.

When the receptionist closed the door behind her, Nay and Severus exchanged a look. They had decided to see how long it would take Severus's former Ravenclaw student to realise something was up; they had tried on their impressions of one another in the carriage and had managed to get to something passable (while having a lot of fun in the process).

"Are we... disturbing you, William?" Nay asked, approaching him, very Severus-like. "We don't mean to take up much of your time."

Nayme was outstanding. She could easily have been an actress. But then again she had had a lot of time studying that particular character.

"Yes. We just wanted to see you again before you left." Severus said, approaching him, trying to emulate Nay's prowl as he did.

He prided himself for being really good at this too. He was a spy, after all.

"Oh, no, I'm... really glad to see you both." He smiled. "Are you hungry? We can have lunch together, I know a nice place near here and..." Severus kissed him. William stopped for a moment and then looked at him, suspiciously. "What...?" Then he looked at Nay. She raised an eyebrow and smiled at him, deviously. "Merlin's beard." He said, as his jaw dropped open.

His shock! It was hilarious.

Nay and Sev erupted in laughter, like kids caught in a prank.

"You gave us away too soon!" She complained, still laughing.

"I did my best! I even swerved my hips as I walked up to him!" Severus said, guffawing.

William was still shocked but was beginning to laugh too. "No, you were very good, Severus, but when you kissed me you did your tongue thing."

Tongue thing?

Severus stopped, wiping tears from his eyes. "What tongue thing?

"You do a thing... with your tongue. When you kiss." Now William was laughing from having to explain and Nay was cracking up going, "He does! He totally does!"

What? They had an inside joke about his kissing. It was disquieting.

Severus was lost. "Should I be offended?"

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