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Still a bit more to go about this. I apologise those who are disturbed by it.


At first, the school was so silent it was eerie.

Then she heard it. Screams coming from the Great Hall. Was it... Severus? Nay felt physical pain, as if she were being gutted alive. Cruciatus. She knew what that felt like.

She looked at Jenny, her face also blood-spattered, and saw the reflection of her own terror in the elves' huge, horrified eyes. Nay took Jenny's hand and whispered "He's alive," holding on to that silver lining for dear life.

They held hands and ran as fast as they could without making noise, stopping to peer before turning corners; they went to Nay's quarters, got on her broom and flew off the balcony to the top windows in the Great Hall. Jenny made the glass disappear and they flew in silently, slowly, undetected.

Looking inside, there were Antonin Dolohov and four other wizards; there was a big brown leather briefcase on the ground near them. Two of the house tables were upturned, one of them broken in two pieces; the staff table had been blown to smithereens. Severus was lying on the floor, heaving; there was blood on his face and they were laughing. Nay hated them instantly, but was relieved to see him still alive.

Two other wizards were also on the floor, looking dead or at least unconscious. Even ridiculously outnumbered, Severus had managed to give them hell before being taken down, apparently. Even most of the ones left standing seemed hurt - one was holding one of his arms, another one was covered in blood from a huge gash on his head and yet another was limping badly. Nay felt a swell of pride mixing with the fear and rage in her chest.

"We couldn't find them anywhere, Ton, the castle is deserted" said the goon with an injury on his arm. "Richis and Blalock are searching outside but looks like they evacuated the school."

'Richis and Blalock' lie in pieces by my dear Willow's foot and I wish so did you, Nay thought, with a shiver. Fear and pain made murder, she could plainly see.

" Crucio !" said the only thug apart from Dolohov who seemed to be fine; Severus was lifted off the ground, contorting and screaming. Nay had to put all she had in her into not yelling out and just charging at them without a plan.

"It was my turn!" said the one who had blood all over him. "You wanker!" and they laughed, a shrill, horrible sound that turned her chest to ice and made her sick, the memories of her interrogation by the death-eaters coming to her vividly; she was looking around, trying to think in spite of that.

"Jenny," Nay said, as calmly as she possibly could, while hearing Sev in agony. "Can you disarm them?"

"Com'on, my old pal... now where are all the brats?" Antonin asked, as Severus hit the ground again, panting. "I know you're buying time. That's fine. But you'll pay dearly for it. Crucio !"

Another round of horrific screams. The elf squeezed her eyes and shuddered.

"I... I've never done that, dear. I know I can push them really hard into a wall... But they are all clumped together, I might hit Severus too."

"I'll let you down in a corner..."

"Place me on the wall, I can walk on walls." Jenny said.

That's how they get the cobwebs, Nay thought, wildly.

"Ok. I'll distract them. When they come after me and leave Severus alone, you blast them as hard as you can. Can you tie them up afterwards?"


Nay flew close to a wall and the elf stuck herself to it like it was nothing.

"Jenny, if they get me, you get away. Ok?"

"No." The elf answered determinedly.

They looked at each other sternly.

"Fair enough." Nay said and nodded.

Below them, one of the minions said:

"Come on, Ton, this is getting boring. I say we peel his face off next. What do you say, traitor? Bound do be an improvement on that ugly mug!" Another round of shrill laughter followed that.

Severus was silent, laying on his side, and appeared calm. It was as if he were somewhere else, doing something else. It was heartbreaking to know that was a skill he had developed as a child. She ached to touch him, hold him. Severus...

"If we can't find any brats to tear apart, we'll have only you to have fun with... then we'll blow the castle to bits and leave, all before the aurors get here. How about that, Deputy Headmaster?"


On a side note, how badass is Jenny, you guys?

(and Nay, of course, but that was a given haha)

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