Looking into the Eye

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Nayme meets Myrddin

Power, power.
I suppose my anarchism shows here. 😁 I refuse to apologise.


I see you found my eye. Came a voice, from somewhere deep, so deep.

I have. The entity once called Nayme replied in awe and a strange form of... love.

It's been a long time since I've spoken with anyone, Myrddin said.

Have you been lonely?

Terribly. But because I missed my forest, not really people. I was asleep. For over a thousand years. Thank you for freeing me.

Freeing you?

Yes. The stone... it connected me to the earth and I was tethered to it when I died. Then that man came and took it... and sealed me along with it in that chamber. He was so frustrated. He could feel there was power in the Eye, but, as a wizard, he could not wield it, nor destroy it.

Such pride in that voice. That Slytherin couldn't use it, use her, try as he might.

There are others looking for it. Wizards too. I fear their intentions. The entity once called Nayme pushed forward the memories in the mind of the mortal she was once confined into.

I see. They won't be able to do anything with it. Not themselves. Fools.

Again the gloating pride.

I think so, but they might find a way, perhaps use a muggle somehow. Although I don't see how they could have control over a person with this much power.

And now there was a subtle change in the exchange. Myrddin was suddenly aware of this creature to whom she was talking, as if she had only now actually moved her attention outside of herself.

Actually, you are very powerful. You would be unstoppable by either muggles or wizards. You could bring order into the chaos of the world of men. I would gladly have done that if I could do what you can. But all I could do was care for my forest. The forest that granted me sanctuary against those who wanted to hurt me.

A flash of pain. Old, old, ancient pain... that still hurt.

I'm sorry.

I'm not. It was terrible, yes, but it was a long time ago and, if not for that, I would never have known the joy of communing with my forest.

I wish you could have known that joy without ever knowing the hurt.

Oh, well. It was how it was. And I'm fine with that now. But you can change that, you know. Bring order, as I said.

Well... I don't really want to bring order to anything. I wouldn't know how. So-

I do. Let me in. We'll do it together.

Myrddin was... so seductive. So warm. Swallow the stone, came the suggestion. An irresistible call. It seemed large, but somehow it would not lead to choking. It was the next step. It was the right step. The desired step. Right?



I sense fear in you. Came the call, still an invitation, but there was an edge now... a danger almost.

I... like being who I am. I don't want to- Nayme answered, from the belly of the ever extending, eternal, beautiful monster she had somehow become.

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