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Let's talk like grown-ups, shall we?


He almost managed to flee before the tea portion of their meeting.

"You haven't been to eat in the Great Hall for a while now, Severus. Is everything alright?" Minerva asked, as he excused himself and got up.

"Yes, I've just been involved in a few projects of my own." He said, without looking at her, turning back to leave.

"Do those projects involve Nayme Adams, by any chance?" She asked now.

He froze, in silence.

"I ask because she hasn't been down to eat either. We are all starting to worry. About both of you." She said, tentatively. "You don't look well."

He didn't say anything - he couldn't. He just felt like shit. And left.


Two weeks passed before she felt like she could risk sharing the dining table with him.

She felt so ashamed and inadequate! Every time she thought about their last moment together, she felt like crying all over again. Sometimes she felt anger - at him, at her, at life. She felt furious and frustrated, like a child trying to constantly keep herself from throwing a tantrum.

The students could tell she wasn't feeling well. They kept coming to her with small gifts and words of appreciation. After a while, she discovered why: rumor had it that fighting the woolygobble had left her with some sort of PTSD and now she thought of leaving Hogwarts.

She laughed and sighed. If only...

When she finally made it to the table she found his seat empty.

"Professor Adams! So good of you to grace us with your presence!" Said Lorenzo promptly.

She smiled politely and just said good morning.

"I thought you and Snape were going on a fasting diet together" he said, laughing at his own wit.

Then Nay realized Severus hadn't been down to eat either. Naturally.

This had to stop. They were adults and professionals.

"Are you alright? You look like you're coming down with something..." McGonagall asked and again she felt so ashamed... damn him! Damn that occlumency expert asshole. He was probably going around the school fresh as a fucking daisy while she had her heartbreak written all over her face!

"Are you still dealing with poison from the woolygobble, dear?"- asked Flitwick. "Pomfrey was quite cross the other day - somebody went to the hospital wing and mentioned that you seemed indisposed these days (I hope I'm not too forward in saying this) and she said if it were up to her she would have kept you for at least a week longer."

"Maybe, yes." Nay conceded, trying to put an end to the conversation.

"You know, maybe you should swing by the hospital wing for a check-up" said Sprout. "Venom is not something to take for granted."

Nay nodded.

After breakfast, she went to see Madam Pomfrey. Even if just for the sake of protocol.

As soon as she arrived, she was fighting back the tears, remembering the last time she'd been there, with him, the tenderness...

Poppy examined her and concluded there was nothing to keep her from her usual activities, but rest was apparently sorely needed. Then a girl came in with period cramps and she mentioned she was going to give her her last dose of analgesic drops...

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