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A taste of married life. Introducing... toys.



They decided to have their wedding in December, in a small ceremony during Christmas break; McGonagall was very happy to hear about their desire for it to happen in the castle. When they told the other teachers, even those who usually travelled during the holidays said they'd be present for the event.

Nay had already moved into Severus's bigger, more spacious quarters - which were now their quarters (her punching bag looked rather comical and surprised with its new surroundings), even though she still kept some of her stuff in her old quarters, at least for now.

It was a taste of married life; they woke up together and went to sleep together and spent almost all their free time holed up in the bedroom without worry, not a care in the world, no sense of urgency or fear of being found out.

She could now watch him shave, which he did every single morning... and she loved it. Sometimes, by the time he finished (and, on occasion, even before he did), she would require his assistance with the wetness between her legs. There was something so erotic about it for her... maybe it was the way he stood there in front of the mirror, with that beautiful posture of his, in nothing but a bathtowel. Maybe it was the "masculine" thing - although her mind hated the cliche, her pussy still responded to it. Whatever it was, it drove her wild.

He, on the other hand, enjoyed watching her morning workouts and stretches to the point of constantly interrupting them to grope and kiss her.

They still worked a lot together in the dungeon too - especially now that they had started preparing ingredient kits for the first years. It had been her idea of course; he had frowned upon it at first, saying she babied them too much, but then he saw they wasted less time and ingredients that way.

Once, while they were at it, "I Wanna Be Yours", by Artic Monkeys, started playing. Nayme danced and sang it so wholeheartedly that he stopped what he was doing to watch her.

"It's one of my favorite songs. I find it absurdly romantic." She said, when she saw him looking. "It's silly, I know... but it reminds me of us." She was kind of embarrassed to admit.

He pulled her by the waist and kissed her. "It's beautiful." He said. "I love you."

During working hours they were mostly discreet. As the students were now fully aware of their relationship, they didn't have to hide anymore, but it would hardly be fitting for them to go around snogging in front of everyone. And even if it had been fitting, Severus usually became rather shy when they were not alone, especially because there would be giggles and whispers or simply staring - which was unpleasant enough.

On the other hand, the kids seemed to pick up on the fact that Professor Snape tended to be more reasonable when he wasn't sexually frustrated and so they generally gave them room when possible.

She was especially busy with her extra classes - the dance lessons were becoming more and more crowded as the ball approached, and she started teaching muggle self-defense as well, tending to a request from the students. She always invited him to join, but he seemed to actively avoid it.


It was like he was living in a dream. She was always there. Funny how much he enjoyed that - he had always been alone, he half-expected it to be too much, but it wasn't. On the contrary, he grew so used to her presence he missed her all the more in the few hours they were apart.

They were a great match in so many ways - just the same level of messiness/tidiness and the same little housekeeping obsessions (hair in the drain for instance). Plus, neither of them minded using the bathroom in front of each other.

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