Magical Bruges

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Nayme and Severus go shopping in the Mooiewratten market and run into a couple of people.

I've always pictured William as Tom Hiddleston with longish hair. He sprung into my mind just like that. But please tell me all about yours... ;)


It was really cold outside, but also really beautiful; the carriage was parked in a sort of camping site where there were other carriages and there was light snow on the ground and on the rooftops of the beautiful houses in sight.

"So we're in Mooiewratten." She said.

"Yes. It's similar to Hogsmeade. Except for the market. Nothing like it in the world." He said.

They walked down the street and the houses were adorable and colorful; now all around there were witches and wizards.

"Oh, I love this." Nay said as they walked together, with their arms around each other.

She looked as excited as a little girl who got a pony for her birthday. He was so happy.

"I thought we could go to the street market first. What do you think?"

"I'm game!" She said, merrily. She had always wanted to see it.

"Nayme? Nayme Adams?" They heard a voice to their right. It was a wizard about their age, with a beard.

That was...

"Uh... hello?"

"Oh, I guess you don't remember me..."

"No, I'm sorry..." She smiled apologetically.

Severus remembered him, though.

"Snape?" He had just realised who Nay was with. He seemed incredulous.

Oh, yes.

"Gruber." Severus recognized him. And didn't seem exactly pleased to see him.

Nay had a flash of who that was. That was a friend of Sirius and James's, from Hogwarts. Gryffindor.

"Oh, yes, I remember you now... Hans, right? Sorry, that beard really made you quite unrecognizable to me. How are you?"

"I'm well, I guess. I've been living here for a while now, I went into ingredient farming. What have you been up to?"

"Well, I've just gotten married." Nay said, clinging to Severus's arm. "Sev and I are Professors at Hogwarts; we are here for our honeymoon."

This was so perfect.

"No, shit! Wow." He looked at Snape in a weird way. "Small world. I saw you in the paper a while ago, Snape. It was... very brave of you."

"Thank you." Severus nodded, then looked in another direction, visibly not interested in making conversation. Nay just wanted to bite him, he looked so sexy when he got like that.

"So I guess I'll see you around." Hans said, finally. "Nice to see you!"

"Yes, sure. Bye!" Said Nayme.

They started walking again.

"How are you feeling, my love?"

How could he make it sound at least a little less petty?

Silence. He seemed to be looking for words.

"I know that guy was friends with Sirius and James so I imagine he might have been an asshole to you in the past."

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