Laying the cards

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Dotting a few I's and crossing a few T's. Very fluffily.

Funnily enough the smutty bits aren't the most embarrassing ones for me - the fluffy, loving parts are. It is strange how feelings can be so much more vulnerable than kinks... It is a really vulnerable place to be in, sharing not only my writing but also my fantasies like this. It is exhilarating, but also scary. So I really appreciate the company. By the way, thank you, @orikumar, for reading, voting and commenting. I was starting to feel a bit lonely over here in Wattpad... lol


He was magically cleaning them both; she saw him working the hemline of his trousers and laughed.

"Sorry, not sorry."

He looked at her with a goofy grin on his face and laughed too.

How he loved that woman.

They kissed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, putting his arms around her waist.

"So happy." She said, and kissed him.

Yes, he could see that, clear as day, on her face. It made him even happier.

"Did it hurt?" He asked.

"Not really. It was lovely. I had never done that before, you know. I had been asked on numerous occasions, naturally, but I had never felt inclined to try it."

He was suddenly awash with gratitude. Learning that tiny detail turned the pleasure he had just felt into something almost sacred. She had trusted him. Let him into a space in her no one had ever been before. Literally.

"Thank you." He said, and he looked like he really meant it. "You've done me an honor."

She giggled.

"I'm serious, Nay." He said.

She caressed his face. "I know. I just felt... shy for a moment. I was really surprised and touched by your appreciation of what this has meant... to me. You are so adorable, Severus. I love you." She kissed him.

"It was my first time too." He said.


She seemed so incredulous. Not surprised, incredulous. Suspicious, even. Why?


She laughed.

"Severus, you have to come clean with me. How can you be so good at sex if you claim to have had so little experience with it?"

He was again over the moon. He could tell she had enjoyed herself, but this was something else - he had shown skill apparently.

He felt a bit smug about it, but he knew it had a lot more to do with the connection between them than with an innate talent on his part - he had never received such praise on his performance before, after all. Not that he had stuck around long enough to collect feedback anyway, but still. The level of ecstasy he saw in her was definitely unprecedented for him.

Not that it mattered. He didn't care if he was good 'at sex'. What he really wanted was to excel at making love to her, specifically. And hearing that he had made him very happy indeed.

"Thank you", he said, smiling broadly - he looked so cute when he smiled like that. "It's not a claim, it's the truth. I had never had sex unhurriedly before. Or with someone I actually cared about - or who cared about me for that matter." He said, thoughtfully. "I don't think I was ever that into sex before, to be honest. Like dancing. I mean, it wasn't unpleasant, but... it would be closer to relieving myself, like, 'let's get this over with'." Then he paused, looked at her and asked. "Exactly how good am I... to you?"

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