The Three Broomsticks

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Sorry to have been away, but it's carnaval here in Brazil, so...

Anyway, today, I have something fluffy and light and cute for you.


The last few days before winter vacation were uneventful, except for the students' growing interest in their romance .

They avoided displays of affection in front of them, except for the odd touch of hands and the glances here and there but, as the cat was now fully out of the bag, everytime they were together there would be looks and whispers.

Severus was being swooned over by the older girls - the younger ones seemed to be too terrified of him to actually let it show. He was finding hearts with his name on it and there was a renewed interest in potions all of a sudden.

It had taken some adjusting. It wasn't like it had absolutely never happened before, but not like this. There were a few moments of panic until he figured he could just keep up his usual demeanor - pretending he didn't see or understand any of it - and felt like it worked out fine.

He played it by being aloof, as it was what came naturally for him and sent them the unequivocal message of him not being interested, which Nay found very responsible.

"Maybe their grades will improve." He said.

"Maybe." Nay said, amused by his obvious discomfort. "Don't you like the attention?"

That was disturbing.

"They're children, Nay. It's like being flattered by a drunkard's wooing. They can barely think straight." He said, disgusted.

The last weekend before the kids left, Nay managed to take him to Hogsmeade.

They sat side by side in the Three Broomsticks; he seemed happy to be out with her and, at the same time, bothered, as usual, by the students' attention.

"I feel like a local attraction."

"You are." Nay said, entertained. "They rarely ever see you out of the castle."

"You seem to like this situation."

"I'm sorry. You are so cute when you get like that." She said, and he smiled a little.

That softened him up. She thought he was cute. That never got old.

Rosmerta came and brought them their drinks, curvy and sexy as usual.

"Hello, you. Long time no see." She said with a bright smile, when she saw Nay.

That sounded a lot like flirting to him.

"Hi, Roz!" Said Nay cheerfully.

There was... intimacy and familiarity in the way the two women looked at each other and spoke with one another. It aroused him.

"Look who I managed to drag out of his dungeon." Nayme added.

"Oh, yes! It's such a pleasure to see you, Professor! Wow, Nay, this is a feat! Even as a young lad I saw him very little." She sighed. "I had just started working here. I hear you two are about to get married. You make a charming couple."

As a young lad. For some reason that aroused him further. He was all man now.

"Thank you, Roz. I'll try and get him here more often."

"I'd appreciate that." She said, looking at him intensely for a moment, then leaving.

Had she really just flirted with him?

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