Tea in the cave

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A new meeting with The Golden Quartet in the cave.

There will (finally) be some smut!!!


They used the galleons to call up a meeting with the kids on the next weekend. Given all that had happened it truly was the soonest they could manage, having so much to digest in the meantime. They did, however, flash their coins with "Watch out for Brownlow."

The week went by in a blink, Nay researching Myrddin's Eye furiously, now that she knew what they were looking for - and had Headmistress Spore's support in finding sources - and sharing her findings with Severus. If Myrddin had in fact existed, she had probably been a jerdespreet too, Nay concluded.

The papers brought news of investigations of the recent attack in Trafalgar Square; another muggle had died in the hospital. There was a lot of fear, in Hogsmeade, some people were even suggesting Voldemort might be back and, in the end of the paper, a little note saying that the Wizengamot voting for a new political organization of British Magical World had been indefinitely postponed in light of the circumstances.

It was terrifying. They had no idea what and who they were truly up against. Sometimes she thought about what Severus had said. About going away. Forgetting all that. About them maybe having to watch each other die or be hurt. She was so preoccupied that he managed to cover her in multiple colours during training that week.

Soon it was Saturday morning, the school abuzz over Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff.

Apparently a group of Slytherins had been caught pranking other students, so, while Severus tended to that, Nay made her way to their usual seats at the grandstands and waited for him. One of the kids - a Hufflepuff - came over to her along the way and gave her a present - candy, from Honeydukes.

"Are you going to cheer for us today, Professor?" The girl asked sweetly.

"Of course. I'm always cheering for you all." She had replied with a smile.

"I bet you cheer loudest for Slytherin though. On account of Professor Snape." The young witch giggled.

"Guilty as charged." Nay said, raising her palm. "I love seeing him happy and Slytherin winning definitely makes him happy. Even if I do cheer for all of you from the bottom of my heart."

The girl laughed again and left. Nayme got to the grandstand and sat, saving Severus a spot.

The match was about to start when she finally saw him coming over. He looked up, locating her - she waved so he would see her - then he looked back down where he was stepping, but his head whipped right back at her and froze, his eyes narrowing.

Devilish woman.

An expression of menace came over his face as he approached her now. That was not Severus, that was the master , she realized in a spark of desire.

She could tell what was going on with him; it seemed to please her - of course - and at the same time surprise her. Was she really that clueless?

He sat down, snaking an arm under her cloak, across her back, running his hand from her waist to her hip and then squeezing the flesh on her thigh. She gasped, aroused by the sudden fondling.

"What is that you have in your mouth, Ms. Adams?" He growled inaudibly to anyone but her.

His cock was paining him inside his trousers. She was so going to pay for that.

Oh. Wow. That's what that was about? She giggled.

"A lollipop. A cherry-flavored lollipop, to be precise." She said, coily, her lips and tongue playing with all those L's and P's. "Would you like some?"

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