Talking it over

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A brief chat with the portraits about what happened.

Very short chapter, just smoothing out some creases.


As soon as Nay felt she could stand to go over what had happened once more, they went to the Headmistress's office so they could talk about it.

"How are you feeling, Ms. Adams?" Dumbledore asked as soon as they were settled.

"Mostly ok. Coping. A few nightmares... still unable to eat meat cooked rare at the moment... but, yes, mostly ok. And Nayme or Nay will do fine, thank you." She answered.

The old wizard smiled kindly.

Severus was silent, sitting by her side with his arm around her shoulders.

It was so great to be here and actually feel relaxed.

"I hear your talents came in handy." Said Headmistress Skanderberg.

"Not only my talents, actually. I was well-armed and defended, thanks to Severus." Nay observed.

As if.

"Please, Nayme. Those bracelets would have been useless in anybody else's wrists and you know it." Severus corrected her.

"I still needed them." She said, shrugging.

"Well. I guess what matters is that you are safe, Nay. Not only from the late Mr. Avery and his companions, but also from the Ministry, as I hear." Dumbledore said.

"Yes. Severus saw to that too." She said, looking at him with a hint of a smile.

Oh, Nayme. He could roll his eyes at that.

Severus looked at her for a second, then sighed, seeming to give up the argument. Good.

"So what do you think they were doing here?" Minerva asked.

"We don't really know what they were planning to do. They were sighted before they could do anything. However, I think it would be too much of a coincidence if their being here didn't have anything to do with the lot that's looking for the Eye." Nay started.

"Yes." Severus agreed. "It's the second attack in a short period; all of them dark wizards."

"They didn't seem to be after me in particular, though. They seemed pleased to have stumbled upon 'the traitor's muggle whore'." She said, with disgust. "Avery said it was a lucky break."

Severus's sympathetic anger reached her. Also... shame. Guilt? And fear. Like he had put her in danger. She wanted to be angry at him for it, but she knew it wasn't rational. He didn't want to think that, but it was inescapable for him. She looked at him. He was looking down, then he glanced her way.

He knew she knew what he was feeling. He didn't want to feel that way and it angered him further that he still did. They had targeted her specifically because he loved her and that was really horrible for him.

"They wanted me to come with them." Nay said. "They didn't want to kill me."

"At least not there and then." Severus observed quietly, then he breathed through a shudder.

He was trying hard not to picture them doing to her the things he had seen them do to so many others.

There was an uncomfortable silence at that.

"I think trips to Hogsmeade should be suspended." McGonagall said. "And even members of the staff shouldn't go there alone. At least until this is over."

"Yes, but how will you justify it? According to the story we fed the Ministry, there were no other assailants." Severus pointed out.

"I think that we have enough of an excuse either way. At least until the end of term." Dumbledore said.

It was rather dreary to imagine this situation lasting longer than that and nobody wanted to even voice that risk.


"I have a new charm for your bracelets." He said. It was lunch break and they were walking together in the gardens.

She stopped while he dug into his pocket. He pulled out two small silver compasses. He pricked the ring finger of his left hand and smeared the back of one of them with a drop of blood that quickly disappeared - the compass drank it, much like the clasp on her bracelets. Then he gave it to her.

"It now points to me. Wherever I am. At all times."

She looked at the needle in the compass as it turned in his direction, her eyes filling with tears. "Thank you." She said, unable to keep herself from throwing her arms around his neck and breathing into him.

Then she stretched her left hand towards him, so he would prick her finger too. She anointed the other compass with her blood, then turned it around to see the needle finding her.

"Thank you." He said, rather gravely.

"It's wonderful, my love. Thank you." She hugged him again.

"Now we'll be able to find each other no matter what." He said, and she felt the emotion inside him too.

He felt stupid not to have thought of that sooner. It would have taken him straight to her on her birthday. He might even have gotten there before she killed Avery and saved her the trouble. Stupid. Stupid.

"Stop that. It was not your fault, Severus." Nayme intervened quickly when she sensed his anger at himself.

He sighed.

"There's more." He added. "It can relay short messages from me to you and vice-versa. They warm up when they receive. Watch-" He retrieved his compass from his pocket and brought its back to his lips, kissing it. The compass glowed slightly. "I love you." He said.

The compass in Nayme's hand warmed up; she turned it around and found the message inscribed on its back in beautiful antique handwriting. She kissed it; when it was glowing, she said "I'm so happy". She watched him receive it.

"I took a page from Granger's book." He said.

She hugged him again. Perfect. It was perfect. He was perfect.


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