The parents

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Short chapter packed full of information and laying the ground for what comes next...

Let's learn a bit more about Miss Nayme Adams.


Now there were no more students in the castle; they had all gone home for the holidays. So Nay and Severus were free to roam hand in hand, and hug and kiss freely. It was delightful.

Christmas morning; the wedding was in two days. He was very excited; he had planned a big surprise for her and there were still things to be arranged. He should...

He caught sight of one of the Ministry's official owls, coming straight to him at the breakfast table. It dropped a letter in front of him and left.

"Business with the Ministry, Severus?" Asked Pomona, who was sitting by his side.

"Must be about the wedding certificate." He murmured nonchalantly, knowing full well that it wasn't and feeling thankful Nayme had already left to talk to Jenny about the plans for their reception.

He waited a while, then excused himself and walked to the now deserted entrance of the Hall so he could read the letter away from prying eyes. It simply read:


We're bringing Dolohov in for his trial. As a personal favor to you, considering your efforts during the war, if you can make it here by tomorrow I will grant you two hours with him.


Dolohov. He had been so happy lately he had forgotten all about that. Fuck.

They were getting married in two days. This was going to ruin it.

Also, the thought of sitting in a room with Dolohov and... Nayme. There was no way Nayme wouldn't want to be present. He couldn't stand to even picture that and she wasn't even allowed in the Ministry... fuck. A shit storm of unprecedented proportions with the worst possible timing.

He sighed, trying to make sense of the thousand emotions suddenly at war inside him... and saw Nayme coming his way, looking upset. The moment he saw her teary eyes, nothing else in the world seemed important.

He immediately took her in his arms. "Are you alright?"

He would tell her later - right now he just wanted to comfort her.

"They are not coming." Nay said, simply, sadly. "I knew they wouldn't; I don't even know why that makes me so sad... I guess I wanted you to meet them. My makers." She laughed bitterly.

"Are you disappointed in them and frustrated for feeling disappointed in them? Like foreseeing that this would happen should somehow shield you from feeling this way now?" He asked, hugging her close.

"Yes, exactly. Thank you." Relieved to be heard and understood, she hid her face in his coat and he stroked her hair, kissing her head, while she breathed in his scent.

Severus was used to the concept of unavailable, absent parents. Apparently, she wasn't - although she seemed to want to be.

"Do you know why they won't come?" He asked carefully.

"Oh, they have never approved of my... involvement with the magical world."

Muggles who didn't like magic. Where had he heard that before?

Severus's face grew somber, no doubt thinking of his father.

"It's not like that. I never told you about that, I meant to, but it's one of those things. You'll remember my first contact with magic was through Sirius. And his family... As you know, they were less than pleased with our romance. When Regulus and Lucius showed up on my doorstep, my parents were in the house. They heard some of the offensive words and the terrible threats they uttered before I managed to make them leave."

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