The Aftermath

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How are you?

Sorry for taking so long to post again. I was on vacation, taking a break from electronics and screens... But now I'm back! And I bring you Nayme and Severus tending to their wounds after the attack and having a most important conversation.


"I'll put the kettle on." said Jenny snapping her fingers and suddenly the fire was ablaze and there was a pot floating on the flames. It was incredible how effortless, refined and precise her magic was - when it came to something she was actually used to doing.

Severus was asleep as soon as the door closed. Nay didn't move or even touch him and just let him be.

Jenny placed a soundproof bubble around him, so they could chat.

"You love him." She said first, as she sat down with Nay, each of them with a hot cup of tea on their still slightly shaking hands.

"I do, yes. Very much."

She felt as if she were talking to her mother in law.

"It is unfortunate that Eileen... passed." The elf said, sadly. "She would have liked to meet you."

"I would have liked to meet her too."

"He has her eyes... and her sweetness. Although few people get a chance to know this side of him."

"It's a privilege." Nay said, lovingly. "He is the most attentive, caring, loving person I have ever met."

There was a knock on the door.

Nay opened.

McGonagall and Pomfrey were standing there. Nay came out and shut the door behind her, protectively, preparing for the battle of wills sure to come. But Minerva just hugged her.

"Thank you." McGonagall said. Nay could hear she was crying and started crying too.

Suddenly it all came to her. She surrendered.

"They were hurting him, Minerva. It was... awful. I can still hear his screams..." She sobbed.

McGonagall held her hands. "I'm so sorry you had to see that dear. We came as soon as we could. I'm so glad you came to him."

"Do you think maybe I could come in to have a quick check on you at least? I promise I won't even look at him." Said Pomfrey.

"I'm fine, actually. But yes; he's asleep now, I haven't even moved him from the mattress we used as a stretcher; Jenny placed a sound muffling bubble around him."

Nay opened the door.

Madam Pomfrey examined her and healed light scrapes and bruises Nay hadn't even noticed on her body.

"Severus has a light cut on his temple. Apart from the cruciatus curse" she shuddered, as did everyone in the room "it is all they managed to do to him. Do you think you could heal that without waking him?"

"Naturally, my dear." Pomfrey said. And did. She examined him briefly to check for a possible concussion. Then she gave Nay a flask, saying "this may help with the lingering pain."

"Bettleswag root extract?" Nay inquired. Madam Pomfrey raised an eyebrow, approvingly.

"With crondeliandrum essence, yes. You know your stuff!" she turned to McGonagall. "He'll be in good hands, Minerva. Let's leave them in peace."

"Wait! I need to understand. How did they... what happened?" Asked Nay.

"A portkey, apparently, dear. We are still trying to figure out how they made it." Said McGonagall. "There were two elves cleaning up after lunch as they arrived, straight into the Great Hall, immediately blowing up the high table. They probably expected we would all be there, as well as the kids."

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