Snakes and Flowers

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And here comes the main event of the big day!

This is almost entirely made of pure fluffly goodness, really. Enjoy!


As she was walking down the stairs she could hear soft music coming from the Great Hall. That same hall where so many things had happened in their lives.

She quickly recognized the melody... It was an instrumental version of "I Just Wanna Be Yours", played by cellos and violins. She reckoned the arrangement was probably Flitwick's work - he was the school band and choir conductor.

Definitely their song. The things he'd think of... those delightful details.

With every step she took she felt the emotion building inside her. Her father was waiting for her at the door and just seeing him there, in his best suit, was enough to get her crying - and him too. She took a couple of deep breaths as he hugged her, to regain composure.

"Are you happy, pumpkin?" Her father asked.

"Yes!" she said, laughing and crying at the same time. "So happy" he gave her a handkerchief and she was thankful for the magical makeup.

Then the doors opened and they walked in together; she saw them all standing and smiling at her - her mother, her friends and her colleagues. And then she saw Severus, by McGonagall's side, looking at her from all the way across the room, with that adoring expression in his eyes and his perfect gentleman posture.

Of course she looked beautiful. And she chose a dress he could easily rip off her body when the time came, he quickly noticed - not without a spark of craving. Vixen.

He was wearing the dark green cravat she had once given him on his birthday and had tied his hair back with a black ribbon - like that day in the dungeon, the first time they touched each other.

It wasn't just that he looked handsome. It was how much of an effort that had meant to him - she knew Severus was deeply uncomfortable wearing anything other than his usual attire.

She saw him now. Apparently she liked the look - huge smile. It made him so happy.

Overflowing with appreciation, she smiled and unconsciously went for the hems of her dress, meaning to run to him; realising what she was doing she froze and looked at her father. He just smiled, teary-eyed and whispered "Go! Go to him!"

And she did; she handed her father her bouquet and ran to Severus's arms, laughing in happiness; he caught her and spun her in the air, and they kissed. Everyone awed and applauded and laughed.

Such a Nayme thing to do.

They held each other for a while.

"I don't know how to do this," she whispered, crying and laughing.

He kissed her again and said "I love you."

"I love you too." She said, still wiping her tears.

He handed her a handkerchief, like her father had done before. "Thank you. You look dashing, by the way." She kissed him again.

"Surely you two are aware of the fact that you're still not married?" Asked McGonagall, very sternly, making everybody laugh.

They settled down and just stood in front of each other, looking at one another, holding hands.

"We are gathered here today to witness the wedding of Severus Snape and Nayme Adams. I thank each and everyone of you for your presence, as I am sure everyone here is important in their lives. I am happy and honored to be able to take part in this celebration and it is heartwarming for me that it should happen here at Hogwarts. I believe I speak for all of the castle's staff when I say it has been absolutely delightful to watch your relationship blossom. It has truly brought light to our days." Then she lowered her voice and said, mischievously, "In fact you wouldn't believe how much time we spent speculating about when this was going to happen."

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