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So... welcome to the naughtiest of my naughty bits!
This will not be for the faint of heart, I should warn you right now.


"Casavergine, a word if you please." Severus said .

"Sure thing, Snape, how can I help?" The blond man seemed curious.

Severus pulled him aside.

"Can you cast an obice?" He asked quickly, before he lost his nerve.

Seeing the excitement on the other wizard's face, he added, "A full obice, I mean?"

As Severus watched Casavergine deflate, he felt a mixture of shock, annoyance and satisfaction - he felt rather ridiculous and petty about the last one, but it was there all the same.

He rolled his eyes. Fuck!

"Do you need-" Lorenzo started.

"I don't need anything. I can cast it. Beautifully, I might add." He said.

Now it was the auror's turn to roll his eyes. "Of course you can."

"Nayme wants me to show the students." Severus confessed, looking at the floor. "For sex-ed." He said the last words as if they described a specially repulsive sort of substance.

"Oh." Lorenzo got it. "So you were hoping I would..."

"Yes." He sighed exasperatedly.

He felt angry at Casavergine. Wasn't he supposed to be some sort of Don Juan? The ex-auror seemed amused by the situation.

Severus had an idea. "I'll teach you and you'll teach them."

But Lorenzo shook his head, chuckling. "I'd love that, Snape. But they need to learn from someone who's mastered it. Sorry, mate. Not many people know that, you know. Nayme has a point." He smirked. "I'll be sure to attend, though. Moral support and all. Then I can learn it for the next time."

Severus looked at him bitterly.


"I hear you are assisting Nayme with her sex education project." Said McGonagall, casually, pouring tea into his mug.

He did not reply but for an eye roll and a twist of mouth. Of course she was going to get into that.

"I think it's a wonderful idea, Severus. Not many people know how to cast a full obice, you know."

Of course she was enjoying this.

"Yes, Minerva, that's become abundantly clear to me by now." He sighed into the vapors of his tea.

"Maybe I should join your class." She said.

His eyes shot into hers. Of course she would say that.

"You know. For moral support. " She added.

"Don't you dare!" He snapped, unable to keep his cool, and the old witch bent in half laughing.

He hated her so much.


"I presume they already know what the spell does?" He asked.

Under his impassive façade, she could feel him agitated and uncomfortable. Poor thing.

How had she gotten him to agree to this? It was ludicrous.

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