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Still at it.


No, please, no. This can't be happening.

"You'll have to catch me first, you incompetent asshole!" she yelled. "nine of you to take him down and now you can't even take on a muggle?"

That seemed to struck a nerve. He started shooting recklessly at her with his friends, screaming in frustration when he missed. "Get her!"

Severus was now back on the floor, slowly crawling towards the briefcase.

She had managed to divert Dolohov's attention. He had to get to his wand.

Nay flew into the Gryffindor house banner, grabbed it and flew down, encircling them with it; she was an easier target now, but it worked, they all ran at the same time in the same direction to avoid enclosure.

What was she doing?

"Jenny, NOW!"


Just as one of their shots hit Nay's broom ("Gotcha, muggle bitch!" the wizard shouted)-

Fuck! No no no no no

and she fell and rolled on the ground, Jenny yelled and shoved all five of them brutally onto a wall. Nay could hear the sound of bones cracking.

Where was Nay? He couldn't see her. Despair took over him. His wand... he needed his wand.

Now Jenny was tying them up, but her magic worked slowly - she was a very old elf and she was exhausted and scared. One of them managed to get back up, wobble his way to her and grab her by the scruff of her neck.

"Now where did you come from?" the wizard asked between his teeth. Nay ran to them, stepped on one of the benches beside him and ("Get off her!") kicked him upwards square in the jaw with the ball of her other foot. He fell to the ground, knocked out cold.

He had never felt so much relief in his entire life.

"Jenny?" She turned to the house elf.

"I'm ok, dear." Said Jenny, massaging the back of her neck.

He found the briefcase unlocked - it had combination locks in its clasps - and found only his wand inside it. Even amidst all that he found that curious.

Ropes appeared and wrapped the thug in a second. Severus had found his wand.

There. He could pass out now.

Nay ran to him. He was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, his chest heaving in exertion.

"Sev? Sev?" She said, as she got close to him, afraid of touching him, afraid of hurting him any further.

There she was. Familiar scent, touch, face. He was glad and furious at the same time. She was supposed to be safe. He loved her so much. She could have died. Fuck!

"Nay..." He said. And as she hugged him carefully, they both started sobbing together. "I'm... so mad." He winced, his eyes still closed.

"I know", she said, crying. "I'm really mad too, my love. There will be time for that later. Ok ?" She kissed and caressed his bloody face very gently, putting her forehead to his.

He just nodded.

Yes. Right now he just wanted to be glad they were both alive.

Jenny showed up. "What do we do now? Should I go back to the hideout and call the rest of them?"

Muggle StudiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora