And down comes the hammer

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Oh, oh.


"You should be nastier. The students take too long to leave your class." He complained when they were finally alone in her classroom during recess, her door safely locked.

She laughed.

"It's my birthday, Sev. They want to give me presents and congratulate me. It's sweet."

He scoffed and pulled her to him, kissing her collarbone. "It's time consuming and inconvenient."

"Ok. That too." She chortled, stroking his hair. "I confess I would have rather surrendered to your delightful ministrations yet again."

He picked her up and deposited her on the desk behind her, caressing her open thighs as he pulled her dress up, then grabbing her ass to pull her against him.

"I wonder if there's still time to make you come..." He said, caressing one of her nipples over her clothes.

"Well, I have time, seeing as I have no more classes today." She said, cheerfully wrapping her legs around him.

The bells rang.

He huffed.

"Very well. Then I expect to find you ready for my use when I come to our quarters straight after my last class today. We'll have a private dinner afterwards. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir." She nodded bashfully.

He smirked and pulled her down from her desk and gave her one last kiss before leaving, his black cloak billowing in his wake. She sighed.


She ran to their quarters, her heart bursting with joy. After all the beautiful things he had given her today, she really wanted to do something special for him as well.

Maybe she could get some candles. Like dozens of them. If she asked Jenny, the elf would certainly be happy to help - and probably provide safe, non-dripping candles too. It was a bit of a cliche, but still... or maybe she could get a bit of rope and tie it decoratively around her body. Maybe she could put on some sexy lingerie and let him tear it off her. That would be different - she almost never wore lingerie around him and she had some lovely sets. She could paint her body. Maybe there would be time for that. Use glow in the dark paint, then dance for him, like the dancers in Bruges.

Then she got it. No. There was something much simpler... and sweeter... that she could do and she thought he would appreciate it immensely.

She ran back out, hardly keeping from giggling wildly like a schoolgirl.


He knew there was something terribly wrong the moment he saw Minerva's face.

"What is it?" He asked, coming to the door and closing it behind him so the students in the classroom wouldn't hear it.

"The Auror Office has just informed us that Ignatius Avery has been sighted in Hogsmeade." McGonagall explained gravely.

The name sent a shiver down his spine. If Avery was around, Mulciber wouldn't be too far. He wondered if this was yet another attempt to find Myrddin's Eye.

"The aurors are coming down; until they are through searching the area, we are supposed to be on alert and not leave the castle under any circumstances. Students will be taken to their common rooms immediately, where they will be watched over by their Heads of Houses and other members of staff, divided in equal numbers." The witch instructed.

"Yes, Headmistress." Severus nodded and went back inside to gather the children.


"Long time, no see." Roz said, with a beautiful smile.

"Roz!" Nayme exclaimed, going to her and giving her a tight hug and an insinuating kiss on the cheek, the bag full of lollipops from Honeydukes swinging on her arm.

Roz went behind the counter and handed her a bottle of butterbeer. "Here. On the house."

"Thank you." She said, flirtatiously. "I've missed you. And I think some other people have too..." She smirked.

"Well... you just might have to miss me some more!" Rosmerta said, showing her an engagement ring on her finger.

"Oh, my god! Congratulations, Roz!"

"Thank you. Nick has finally come through. Good thing, too, because neither of us were getting any younger." She winked. "Sadly, though, that means no more adventures for me..."

"There's no sadness. It's your choice and I respect it fully. And I'm glad, because I can see you're very happy about it." Nayme said, touching her friend's hand. "Who knows... someday Nick might warm up to the idea..."

Roz snorted. "I very much doubt it, but here's to hoping." She said, raising a glass of her own.

The two women toasted, laughing.

A siren sounded outside.

Nayme looked through the window at the castle, her heart thumping in her chest. It was the new alarm. Hogwarts was once again under attack.


"Where's Nayme?" Severus asked when Casavergine came in.

The other man stared at him blankly.

Severus went to the fireplace. "Jenny. Please find Nay." He succeeded in sounding almost calm. The students were watching and he did not want to scare them.

The elf showed up a couple of minutes later. By the expression on her face, he knew what she had to say before she opened her mouth, panic quickly seizing his heart.

"She's not in the castle, Severus. She was seen leaving for Hogsmeade about an hour ago."

The entire world seemed distant and faded all of a sudden.


He pulled himself back together. He needed to be at his sharpest right now.

"Lorenzo." He called.


"You are now in charge of protecting the Slytherins."

"Yes." There was no argument, not a second of hesitation. He had learned his lesson, apparently. "Good luck." Casavergine said, just as Severus was about to leave.

Severus nodded and left.


He flew through the corridors and out of a window, rapidly crossing the invisible barriers and wards, moving as fast as he could, desperately looking for any sign of her in the rapidly darkening outskirts of the castle, following the road to the village.

She was alive, she had to be, he would feel it if she were dead, he told himself. Wouldn't he?

He saw the pool of blood first; it took him a second to understand what it was, his heart suddenly racing to an impossible speed as he approached. Only then he saw her.


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