Beneath the scars

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Hi, there.

This is a very long, intense, emotional and smut-free chapter. I thought about breaking it up into smaller chapters but the truth is I didn't wanna. It is one of my favorites... just the way it is.
There's a lot of potential triggers dealing with child abuse and bullying, so maybe don't go into it if you are not ok today.
At the same time, it is Nayme and Severus, so you can rest assured that there will be a lot of fluff to cushion the way.


It was summer break - finally! - and they were lying in bed after sex. Without the students around and no classes, they could make love unhurriedly throughout the day, after flying happily together in broad daylight.

She was on her side, beside him, stroking his hair as she loved to do. He was lying on his stomach, facing her with his eyes closed, apparently enjoying that very much.

That felt so good. He wished he could turn into a cat like McGonagall and spend the day curled up on her lap. Maybe he should look into it... although as an animagus he probably wouldn't turn into something cuddly.

He might be a doe. Most animagi took shapes similar to their patronuses as animals. But the doe came from Lily - as did his only happy thoughts at the time he learned the spell. Except that one time... the first time... an almost raven. Ravens could be cuddly. Not like cats, granted, but still.

Then it occurred to him. Would his patronus still be a doe? Nayme didn't have a patronus, after all.

She started caressing his back and distractedly ran a finger along one of his scars. He stiffened a little.

All other thoughts quickly dissipated; he closed up instinctively. He still didn't want to talk about it. Did he?

She caught herself and quickly said, "Sorry, I wasn't thinking, I didn't mean to..."

Of course she wasn't trying to force him.

He said "It's ok."

She kissed him.

They had just made love... it was a beautiful day. He liked telling her things. He could try. Maybe he would manage to talk about all that and not get caught up in all the past pain... when the present was so sweet.

He looked up as if pausing to think, then sighed. "I've lost track of them a while ago; many are from the war." He said.

"Sexy." She purred and giggled.

He snorted and rolled his eyes. She kissed him.

"These here are from when that damned snake bit me." He turned up and showed the big puncture marks on his neck.

Nay touched them, slowly.

"Thought as much." She said, kissing him there.

A chill went through her body as she did. He could have died. He almost had.

"This one I got the night I accidentally cut an ear off one of the many Weasleys in the world." He showed a large one on his upper left arm.

"His name is George ." She said, disapprovingly. "I've met him. Sweet lad, very charming - a bit of a smooth talker, actually; tried to get into my knickers."

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows, but he didn't seem surprised at all. "Did he succeed?" He asked, snorting.

He still felt guilty about the boy's mangled ear. And as much grievance as George Weasley and his twin had caused him during their stay at Hogwarts, Severus felt genuinely sorry for the loss of his brother. Not even out of his teens.

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