Flirting in Mooiewratten

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Trouble hits paradise as the hammer finally falls.

Well. We all knew this was coming.


They were walking back to the carriage hand in hand, through the streets of Mooiewratten, after having left William back at his office.

Severus was looking at her as she balanced on the edge of the curb, pulling back the curtain of black hair from her face.

He sighed and said, "I love you so much you look beautiful to me even when you're wearing my face."

She stopped and smiled at him. "Nah. I look beautiful because your face is beautiful, period."

He rolled his eyes. She sighed. Still the ugly duckling bit?

"Ok, then. Watch this." She let go of his hand as they went into a wider, busier street.

Nay took some distance, straightened up, pulled her hair back from her face and gave him a mischievous wink. He followed her, watching.

What was that devilish woman up to now?

Nay saw a thirty-something-looking witch. She was very conventionally beautiful, so very confident-looking too - slim, blond bouncy hair and blue eyes, very well dressed. She was walking in their direction. Perfect.

He caught her eyeing a gorgeous looking woman coming up ahead. What...

Nay waited for them to be closer then fixed her with a sultry gaze. She didn't want to be creepy, just to signal that she had noticed her. If the other woman looked away, she would just not look again in her direction. The blonde, however, quickly reciprocated her interest.

They openly stared at each other as they walked by one another and, when they were very close, Nay used her deep baritone to drawl: "Good afternoon, madam." With a slight nod and a malicious smirk.

She was so sexy. Even when looking like him. The whole exchange drove him wild.

The woman actually giggled , still looking at Nay. Nay turned to watch her go, and the blonde was still looking back at her, tugging her hair behind her ear.

Severus was in shock. That woman... and Nay... with his face. His nose. His hair. It really seemed like she could have...

The whole interaction must have taken less than thirty seconds but it was intense.

After a while, Sev caught up with her. He was blushing.

"Are you ok there, my love?" Nay asked.

"I'm... still processing." He said. After a while, he finally explained. "It was arousing watching you flirt like that, but it was also strange, because you looked like... me and... I never thought..."

He felt like he had at the night of the gala. Although not as terrified. Just shocked. Like the world has turned upside-down.

"That you were hot? Yeah. I know. That was the whole point of this exercise. Maybe you were deemed unattractive at a certain point in your life and you believed in that assessment and never realised that, well... you grew up and now you look like a rockstar - like I keep telling you." Nay said. "And you're crazy good in bed too."

He was still in shock.

Could that really be possible?

"Sure, you're not a mainstream beauty like Casavergine for instance. You're the mysterious, dark, intriguing sort - which I much prefer, by the way. I mean, this nose of yours is an asset. I love it on you and I love wearing it too. It draws attention to this face, to these deep black eyes." She fluttered her lids. "Did you see how taken she was? I didn't go any further because I wouldn't mislead a woman just to prove a point to you - we are a gentleman, after all - but I'm confident that it could have turned into something if I wanted it to."

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