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Wow! I am so sorry I took so long to post! Things have been crazy at work...

Here, we see Severus and Nayme go to London and dine with some friends.

As we draw near the end of our adventure with Severayme - or Snaddams, perhaps - we must advance with the plot. First, though, a bit of the Malfoys. Because no Snape fanfiction is complete without a bit of the Malfoys, right?

Perfectly innocent bit, though, I'll say beforehand so as not to get anyone's hopes up. 😂
I hope you enjoy it all the same.


"Excited for the weekend?" Minerva asked with a big smile.

"Yes. I am." He smiled too - he was not ashamed to admit it.

Four nights with Nayme away from the school. Free to grab her and kiss her whenever, wherever. Maybe they could even try some public fornication again. The underground would be nice. Maybe he could have her pole dance for him in one of the trains.

"What about... your other matters?" Dumbledore asked, derailing his train of thought.

"They'll just have to wait." Severus said, plainly. "We're entitled to a break."

"Don't you think it may be too risky for you to leave the castle?" McGonagall asked, looking stern for a moment. "We still don't know what those wizards were up to. They might well have been after you.

"It is risky, yes. But we can't hide in here forever. Nor do we want to. We've been looking forward to this since... well, since we got back from our honeymoon, as you can imagine. Besides, luring them out was precisely our plan. We will, of course, be very careful." He answered, matter-of-factly.

The old witch seemed resigned. "I hope you two have a lovely time."

"Me too." Severus said, sipping his tea.


"I have... a request for you." He said, almost as if blurting it out.

He had come up to see her during recess; as soon as he entered she knew there was something bothering him. She could feel it in the air around him, almost like a scent. It was a good thing he came out and said it; she wasn't nearly as patient as he was with that kind of suspense. So now she just looked at him in open attentiveness, the tips of her fingers grazing his scalp as they ran through his hair, lovingly.

Could he actually ask it of her? It seemed offensive to even pose the question.

He hesitated, seeming embarrassed. She worried he might not get around to the actual request before the bells rang and then she would spend the next two hours in agonizing curiosity. Her eyes pleaded with him to go on.

He could see she was anxious and he really wanted to just say it, but it almost pained him to.

Finally, he sighed and asked. "Would you be willing to have dinner with Lucius and Narcissa while we are in London?"

He could see her pause.


"I know. I'll understand if you'd rather not - we have a little over three days and it feels like a waste to spend any second of it doing anything we are not deeply excited to do... it's just... I got an owl from Lucius this morning saying they'd heard I had gotten married and they'd very much like to have us for dinner sometime. And I thought I could at least check-"

Fuck. He had opened up to her friends, hadn't he? On the other hand, her friends weren't murderous supremacist pieces of shit.

Shouldn't she give them a chance, though? Maybe they had changed. If it was important to him... Lucius was his only friend outside the castle.

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