Welcome to the Dungeon

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Is he really going to let her in?


She was so thrilled by his invitation that it was hard to concentrate on anything else. At first, she was just happy and excited to be able to be in a potions lab again and watch him at work. He was famous for his skill. But then it occurred to her... was it possible that he was... corresponding to her obvious interest?

She thought about him. The man was a block of ice, dressed like a priest (a delicious, enticing priest, but, yeah, covered up in every possible way), barely smiled and was definitely a geek. He seemed mostly aloof but then there had been that moment... that day... when she felt like they had almost kissed... had they?

At dinner, she kept glancing at him (she didn't mean to, but she couldn't help it). He was so hot. She felt as though there were moments in which she almost caught him watching her too. Was it all in her head?

Maybe it would be safer to simply follow his lead. In the past, Nay had always been forthcoming and proactive in these situations, but he seemed closed off - and she could hardly blame him, given what she knew about him. For now, being near him was thrilling enough, so maybe she'd better not scare him off.

When she got to the dungeon, he was already there; she could see light under the door and it wasn't completely closed. She knocked.

"Yes?" Came his voice, from inside.

She opened the door and peered in. He was standing at his workstation; he stopped and looked at her. Her entire body tingled.

"Hi." She managed. "May I come in?"

"Please." He said, and then, for a millisecond, there was a funny look on his face, like he was surprised by his own answer.

Her heart raced when she crossed the threshold - he was letting her in.

She immediately went to the shelves, gasping when she saw some of the specimens he kept there. He seemed quite proud, his hands laced behind his back, as he watched her amazement.

"How did you procure such a collection?" She asked.

They were side by side now; she took a small step towards him, getting a tiny bit closer than would be the social norm, just to see what happened. He did not retreat. Her heart sped up within her again.

"With time and dedication." He answered simply. "And school funds".

Nay chuckled softly, flirtatiously.

"The kids must love this!" She said.

He snorted. "They really don't. Most of them are disgusted."

She touched one of the jars, containing acromantula eggs preserved in liquid, clear as if they were fresh. You could see the tiny babies inside!

"What a waste." She said, sincerely, and felt his eyes on her, observing her.

She pulled an armchair in a corner to watch him work. It looked like he was brewing a preserving solution.

It was cold in the dungeon. She sat and pulled her legs towards her chest as she observed him. His hands... in those cuffs... the way he looked so focused and concentrated, "in the zone" she knew so well herself.

He pulled his chin back a bit as he concentrated, a frown on his forehead, his dark eyes very bright and oh, how she wanted him! She wanted to kiss those lips, she wanted those hands on her body ...

He lifted his eyes for a moment and she blushed from head to toe, feeling caught in the act; still, she sustained her stare, not bothering to hide the hunger in her gaze. Then on his face there was a... smirk? So light, so slight, that again she could have thought it was only her head.

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