Building up an apetite

957 31 18

Tasty foreplay.


Nay was distracted throughout her lesson - she wondered how he was doing down there in his dungeon, the master of cool and collected. She was all over the place - almost forgot to send a student to take the damn drops to Pomfrey.

Severus wondered how long it would take for everyone to hear he had had a crazy laughing fit during class. There, they'd say. The dungeon bat has finally lost it.

When the time for lunch finally came, Nay had to fight the urge to actually run to the Great Hall. She got there before he did and sat between two empty seats in order to ensure having him at her side.

Her heart leapt as he walked in the hall; their eyes met briefly and he came her way as if for no reason in particular (the master of cool and collected - meanwhile she was having trouble not staring at him) but he was intercepted by a Slytherin prefect; she could see Severus was impatient; he glanced her way a couple of times. She smiled to herself. That was so unlike him. He must be as anxious as she was.

He had gotten there as fast as he could, but the dungeons were far from the Hall. He saw her sitting alone between two empty chairs. Good. He really needed to be near her and he needed it now. He needed to make it real, to make it concrete.

Then, to her dismay, Flitwick, Casavergine and Sprout all walked in at once. Oh, no...

It would have been perfectly fine to sit apart on any other day, but right now the feeling was akin to being really hungry and having to wait for the proper moment to start eating the food that is right in front of you. She just had to be close to him, smell him, maybe touch him under the table, make sure this was really finally happening, or she wouldn't be able to go through the rest of the day, simple as that.

"Professor Adams!" Flitwick said, smiling kindly and taking the seat to her right "I suppose you've been to see Madam Pomfrey... you look so much better! I can see color on your cheeks."

Yes, that's the color I get after being very thoroughly snogged by Severus Snape, she thought.

She smiled at him. Flitwick was so kind. "Yes... yes, it was great. I really appreciate your suggestion." It was difficult to keep up with the pleasantries with all the anxiety building inside her, though.

Sprout sat at the end of the table closest to her; Lorenzo was also caught up with a student, thank god.

The boy was droning on and on about his N.E.W.T.s. He was a bloody prefect, for crying out loud, what was he worried about?

She distinctly heard Severus say the word "hungry" in the middle of a sentence and the Slytherin boy backed off. Ouch. He looked at her and she used her eyes to point at Lorenzo, who was approaching the table... Snape was climbing the steps in his full power stride - yum, by the way, just look at that cape billowing like the wings of satan take me now puh-leez - but he wasn't going to make it.

Then she heard him say, casually, "Casavergine, might I have a word?" and the former auror froze in shock; that small hitch was enough for Snape to surpass him, pull the chair beside Nay and then indicate the chair next to him to Lorenzo.

Smoother than James fucking Bond he was.

"Why... sure... of course, Professor Snape", he seemed confused. Apparently the former auror hadn't realised they were on speaking terms.

"Any word on the outbreak situation?" Severus asked.

Casavergine's face went from surprise to malice. "Oh, I see. So you'd like to rub in the fact that you were the big hero there too? Is that it?"

Muggle StudiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora