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It's Nayme's birthday and Severus has a lovely surprise for her.

Let's get some tantra on, shall we?


When she woke up he had already left. He always left so quietly, so careful not to disturb her. Sweet Severus.

He had been torn; today was a special day, after all. In the end, he decided to let her sleep, as he usually did.

She missed kissing him goodbye, though. And waking up alone in her bed every morning sometimes made her feel like it wasn't real, like it had all been a dream after all. There was this moment of... melancholy when she looked around and didn't see him there. Just a second, but still.

He wished he could see her face when she saw the flowers.

This time, though, when she looked around, she saw the black vase he had given her last year on her side table... with daffodils and red tulips in it - new beginnings with perfect love . She touched one of the flowers, out of curiosity; yes, they all took flight at once and circled her, before returning to their stems. He was incredible.

The note beside it read: "I'm glad you were born too." She smiled. So was she.

But then again, he wished he could see her face all the time.

There was no surprise during breakfast, but only because she was already expecting it - sure enough, she got cake and a lot of Happy Birthday singing by the entire school, with confetti at the end. It was lovely and this time he was there before she arrived, and he even clapped along while people sang.

She looked so happy. He loved to see her like that, laughing in sheer joy like a little girl. It was infectious. His heart felt like a bird taking flight inside his chest. He wondered how she'd look when she saw her present and couldn't help but smile thinking that he'd soon get to find out.

During recess, amid a lot of kissing and groping, Nay managed to say, "I love it when you speak flower to me."

"I love it that you understand it when I do." Severus smirked.

They had their arms around each other.

"And you make them fly! It's adorable. Is that as complicated as it seems?" She asked.

"The tricky bit is to get them not to fly away, but go back to their stems and reattach." He explained.

"Oh, is it, now?" She said, playfully, smiling and wrinkling her nose. "My beautiful show off. You're so hot in all your prowess, my love." She inhaled through her parted lips as she pressed against him.

She was so sexy. Everything she did and said made him ache to be inside her. And the way she looked at him... he felt sexy. Irresistible, even. Because he knew he was. To her.

"Stop. Teasing." He said, looking menacing. Then added. "Wench."

There. That would have her nice and wet immediately.

She sighed in desire. He kissed her cheek, smirking knowingly. There were footsteps approaching; Severus let go of her, took his distance and then waved his wand to unlock the door. Before the kids came in, he asked: "Would you come meet me outside after dinner tonight?"

"Sure," she said, intrigued.


She found Severus outside the main entrance, beaming alongside Flitwick. She looked from one to the other. What were they up to? "Yes?" She asked, suspiciously.

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