Laksh showed his thumbs up while Ragini held his hand.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to 'Young Achievers' programme only on your favourite channel XXX. Today we have a special couple on our show. Both of them have achieved a lot in the very young age. One is the person who has received 'Young Achievers Award in Business' for continuous two years while the other has just received 'Young Achievers Award in Singing'. They are none other than our adorable and cute couple Laksh Maheshwari and Ragini Laksh Maheshwari." The interviewer starts the show announcing the guests for the day.

Camera turns towards RagLak.

"Hello Laksh sir and Ragini ma'am." The interviewer says hello to them.

"Hello!" Both RagLak say smiling at him.

"How are you sir and ma'am?" He asked smiling.

"We are absolutely good. Thank You! How are you?" Laksh asked.

"I am also absolutely good sir. Thank You!" He spoke smiling.

RagLak smiled.

"Sir, Ma'am so basically we have three types of questions in this interview. The first two types would have four questions each while the third one is like a game which would have five questions. Short and Sweet! The first one would be completely about your professional life. So are you ready?" The interviewer asked.

RagLak smiled and nodded.

"First question to ma'am. As always Ladies are first!" The interviewer said making both RagLak chuckle.

"Ma'am how did your first ever song happen?" The interviewer asked.

"Well I actually participated in this particular competition through my Music academy. My first ever music director has come as a special guest to that competition. Mahadev's blessings has made me to impress him and he contacted me through my academy. Thus my first ever song happened!" Ragini spoke smiling.

Laksh is staring her smiling all the time she spoke.

"Excellent! That's really amazing ma'am. So sir the next question is for you." Interviewer said making Laksh look at him.

"So sir The Maheshwari Company has been growing day by day. I know it's hard work which pays off. But there would be something in particular which you would think is the reason for the growth of the business. What would it be if you have to state one?" The interviewer asked.

"Undoubtedly I would say all my staff's hard work. Everybody in the sense everybody give their best. I think The Maheshwari Company has the best staff. I think a company can get such staff only if the company treats them well. Because we always say give respect and take respect. Trust me this is something we always make sure that each and every employee regardless their designation get the respect. Always respect your staff. Your company needs them as much as they need a job in your company. It is the need from both the sides." Laksh said.

The people around clapped hearing him while Laksh just smiled. Ragini smiled proudly at her husband.

"That's really amazing sir. Ma'am the next question is for you. Who is the one you would say has been the reason for you to grow in singing?"

"I would undoubtedly give that credit to my parents. They were the first people who had recognised my talent and interest in singing when I was young. They without any second thought had started getting me trained in singing. That day if they hadn't recognised my interest I wouldn't have been here. I will be forever grateful for this to my ma and papa." Ragini said smiling.

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