"Did you order two margheritas?"

"Yes"both of them answered, starting to go through their wallets.

"This will be 16000 won-"the delivery guy looked at them puzzled,when both of them handed him money.

"I'll pay"y/n smiled to the young man

"I'll pay"Jaehyun smiled making the guy look at him in confusion.

"So...who is going to pay-"

"I am"they said again at the same time.

"Guys please... I have two more orders to deliver"he tried scratching his head but forgot he was wearing a helmet. "What if each of you give 8000 won"

"No, we're good. Here"y/n smiled big, shoving the money in his jackets pocket, taking the pizzas in her arms. "Sorry for keeping you,have a good night"

"Ah..ye"he hesitant bowed his head before he walks away.

"Is this how she's going to be?"Jaehyun tilted his head before smirking. "Okay..." He went back to the couch,to think of something to do while eating.

Turns out he wasn't the only one thinking of ways to win...

Plan: Watertrap ,by Jaehyun.

He deactivated the water filter from the fridge and switched the valve for the tap from on to off,so she won't have water.

And it almost worked..

"Did he really..."the girl tilted her head in realisation. She took a deep breath and opened the cabinet, taking a small water bottle in her hand. "He stupid"

Plan: Got nothing to wear,by Y/n

As soon as the man went to shower,the girl took all his underwear and clothes and moved them to the guests room. It was the coldest so there was no way he'd go there. He wouldn't even try finding them.

He'd probably wear something of her wardrobe. She always has something his after all.

"Where the hell..."he frowned, finding nothing. He then smirked, taking his towel back to the bathroom before he starts walking around naked in the house.

Plan:Get my snacks back by Jaehyun again.

The kitchen had three drawers,for everyone's snacks. Top drawer,y/ns. Middle Jaehyuns, bottom Jieuns and Jiyoons.

The man managed to hide the snacks from all three drawers, including the snacks she had in the fridge to keep cool,and the ice cream from the freezer as well.

"She will not survive this"he smirked, having a lollipop in his mouth,before he makes he walks past her.

The girl needs a snack after food. Always.

"I want one too"she mumbled, walking to the drawers, finding them empty. "Ya Jaehyun!"she yelled whispered, before biting her bottom lip,so she won't be heard.  "You're not fair"she breathed, forcing a smile before she walks to the couch, thinking of a new plan.

Plan: Being an Army by y/n.. again

Jaehyun was almost asleep on the couch,but y/ns giggles woke him up in milliseconds. 

She was in the kitchen, eating some ramyon while watching fancams on her phone.

She was watching Jungkook performing Fake Love, thinking he is the best to use to make Jaehyun lose.

"woah"she smiled unintentionally when the guy flashed his abs, making Jaehyun shake his head.

She had her earphones on so she wasn't aware of him being there yet.

"Ah,Jungkook...y/n is watching your fancam right now"he pretended to walk past her, heading to the fridge, making her face turn red. "Yeah, she's drooling over your abs. Funny, isn't she? I didn't know she was a fan"his voice faded when he went back to the living room, making the girl freak out.

"Did he really..."

Plan: Never happened by Jaehyun...maybe his last shot

Still pretending to be on the phone with his friend,the man eyed the girl who was back on the couch, finishing her ramyon there.

She still had her earphones on,but no music could be heard like other times,so he guessed she is just wearing them so he won't interrupt her. She'd always do that to avoid people... headphones with no music were the perfect thing to do so no one can distracts you.

"I tried. I think she's ignoring me....yeah,we made a bet,I talked to her and lost,but I think she didn't realise yet. She still has her earpods on...I talked to her when she was watching your fancam. Maybe she didn't hear me...she was focused on your abs"the man sounded annoyed.

The girl bit her bottom lip waited to hear more.

"Should I keep going then? She didn't hear me anyways...she won't know I lost-"

"So,you did lose..."she removed the earphones of her ears,and turned to face him.

"Huh?"Jaehyun asked, pretending to be surprised.

"You talked to me earlier ....i heard you saying that to your friend."she smirked.

"Oh no ...."Jaehyun looked down. "i really didn't want to sleep on the couch"he pouts. "I'm so happy my wish came true"he smiled big getting up


"I never talked to you babe...I know you were listening to me talking the whole time."he snorted. "Did you really think I'd tell my friend that my woman is drooling over his body? I was not talking with him at all. Great actor, aren't I?"

"You are playing dirty-"

"Enjoy your couch babe..."he kissed her lips before he starts walking to their room. "Ah,and do you mind telling me where my clothes are? I'm sorry for having to hide this Greek god's body of you,but I've been like this for two hours... I'll catch a cold."he smirked, refering to him being naked.

"Ya,Jeong Jaehyun!"she threw a pillow at him,before she sits on the couch angry. "I'm stupid"she laid down, hugging an other pillow.

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