Part 53 - LAX Police Station

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'Ladies' the police officer said. 'Now the best way to do this is if you tell us the truth right away. That'll be the quickest and easiest way and hellll it'll be a lot easier than answering to my wife when I'm not home for dinner at 7.'
Maddie nodded, nervously. She looked over to Odette who just had a blank yet stern expression on her face. Clearly she was a lot more used to this than Maddie was. So, Maddie almost jumped out of her skin when Odette opened her mouth to ask a question.
'Officer' she said, 'could you please tell me where my son is?'
'Madame' the officer said, 'I thought I was supposed to be the one asking the questions'. Odette just nodded.
'So', the officer began, 'I would like to begin by asking which one of you ladies is the owner of this carry on case?' The second officer pushed a peice of paper in the direction of Maddie and Odette. Maddie looked down to see a photograph of the suitcase Daniel had been hidden in. She looked over to Odette, expecting her to take ownership of the case. But she said nothing. After a couple of seconds, the first police officer broke the silence.
'Now ladies' he said, 'remember what I said about telling the truth.' He pointed at the clock. 'Now of course you do have the right to remain silent, but police interviews don't tend to be very conclusive that way. If you don't speak up this will be a lot harder for you and believe me' he chuckled, 'it will be a lot harder for me. Now which one of you is the owner of the case?' Maddie looked over at Odette again, but still, nothing.
'It's me', she said. Maddie couldn't believe she was already doing this. Even after everything Odette had done, covering for her still came as a reflex. 'It's me. The case is mine.' Odette's lip quivered, suggesting to Maddie that she was rather shocked at her admission.
'Great! We're getting somewhere!' The police officer said, 'that's more like it. My stomach is already rumbling!' He put a hand on his stomach and looked down at it.
'Now, are either of you going to tell me the identity of this child...?' The second officer handed over a photo of Daniel, which must have been taken shortly after they were carted away, as he still looked quite blue. As soon as she saw the picture, Odette finally broke her silence.
'That's, that's my son, Daniel.' Great, she spoke up now.
'Very well', the officer said. 'Daniel who?' There was silence for a minute. 'Pray, does this child have a surname?' Upon finally realising what had been asked of her, Odette responded.
'Yes, yes, his name is...' she paused for a few seconds. 'His name is Daniel Dumont.' It was clear that Odette had just made up a new surname for Daniel. Maddie had never heard of that one before.
'I see' the officer said, 'I can't help but noticing how long it took you to respond there madame. What reason on gods earth could there be for you to not know your own sons surname?'
'Sorry', Odette replied. She put a hand on her chest and looked down at het feet. 'It's just me and my husband recently split and it's all very raw for me.' She was such a good liar.
'Oh I bet it is', the officer said. 'Could that possibily provide some part of the explanation as to why your friend had the child stuffed inside her carry on luggage, for what must have been more than an eight hour flight'. At hearing this out loud, Maddies stomach flipped with guilt. She had to say something.
'Yes that's right officer. Odettes husband was really abusive to her and her son. The French courts were about to give him full custody, so we had to get the little boy away from him as soon as possible.' Maddie was impressed at her own ability to lie. But at the end of the day, she was only embellishing the same story Odette had told her for the past two years.
'Well', the officer said, 'there are still some parts of the story that don't add up, but I'm sure there'll be plenty of time to ask more questions where you're going.' Maddie tensed up. She knew what was coming next. 'I'm sorry ladies, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to arrest you.'

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