Part 26 - Maddie and Antoines house in France

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There was a knock at the front door. Amelie got up to answer it. What greeted her was a soaking wet Odette, who looked rather pale, with a forlorn looking Daniel holding her hand.
'Oh honey! You look such a state! Come on inside!' Amelie said, as she opened the front door to her brothers house. Before Odette stepped inside she asked, 'is Maddie here?'
'Maddie and Antoine went out to buy a new car' Amelie began, 'goodness knows why they need one! The one they have now looks perfectly fine to me! But I said I'd mind the twins whilst they went out to take a look. Oh come on in honey! You must be freezing!' Odette stepped inside the house and Daniel followed closely behind.
'I just called to ask Maddie if she could take Daniel for a while, I really don't feel great today, so I could do with going back to bed! But if they're busy, I can just take him back home with me' Odette explained.
'Oh sweetie!' Amelie reached a hand out and touched Odettes face, 'you do look a bit peeky. The guys won't be back for another couple of hours, but I can take care of Daniel if you'd like, I have the twins here and I'm sure they'd love to have a playmate over!'
'Oh I'm not sure' Odette began, biting her nail, 'Daniel doesn't really do too great around new people and I wouldn't want to impose'.
'Don't be silly honey!' Amelie knelt down to where Daniel was stood, clinging to his mothers leg. 'Daniel and I are pals already, aren't we lamb?' she asked Daniel. He nodded shyly. 'And I'm sure he can't wait to go and play with Jace and Louis'. At the thought of that, Daniels eyes lit up and he ran off into the living room. Odette managed to let out a chuckle.
'That's that one decided then. Well as long as you're sure. As I say, I don't want to impose'. Amelie put her hand on Odettes arm.
'Honey, I absolutely love caring for the children!' she said 'and you look sick as a dog! Go home and rest up in bed and I'll make sure Maddie gets you some lemon and honey when she brings him home later!'
'Alright then, if you're absolutely sure' Odette said. 'Daniel, I'm leaving now honey' she called into the living room, 'but I'll see you later'.
'Au revoir ma mere!' she heard Daniel call back.
'A man after my own heart!' Amelie giggled.
'Yeah, he won't speak a world of English now' Odette replied, 'anyway I gotta go, before I hurl'. Odette rushed out of the front door and shut it behind her.

Amelie looked up at the clock on the wall. It was almost 1pm Connecticut time. The children were running around the living room, playing a game of tig.
'Ok kids!' Amelie shouted, 'who wants to watch television!'
'Me! Me!' Both Louis and Jace stopped running and put their hands up in the air.
'Daniel?' Amelie asked.
'Oui Moi' Daniel replied. It was so cute how Daniel spoke in French, even though it wasn't his first language.

When Amelies receptionist had called her and said that Rory Gilmore was interested in sitting in on her Women in Journalism lectures, she was really excited. She'd already come across Rory Gilmores book in a book shop when she was at Columbia and had been so enthralled when reading it. She really admired Rorys mother Lorelai for raising her as a single mother. This really struck a chord with her, as she and Antoine had been raised by a single mother as well. She also really admired that in spite of Rorys humble begins she had managed to graduate from Yale and make an excellent career for herself.

Amelie looked over to see the three boys all lined up on the settee, with the telivision on. She went into the kitchen to take the phone call. As soon as Amelie dialed Rorys number, she answered immediately.
'Hey, I'm looking to get hold of Rory Gilmore' Amelie said into the phone.
'This is she, speaking' Rory replied immediately.
'Oh lovely!' Amelie said back. 'This is Amelie Touissant speaking here, my assistant told me that you were interested in sitting in on my Women in Journalism lecture series at Yale.'
'I am indeed' Rory replied, enthusiasticly. 'I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am that you've decided to take my call whilst you're away on vacation'.
'That's no problem at all sweetie!' Amelie said back 'I was actually really excited to speak to you. I came across your book whilst I was studying for my PHD at Colombia and I found it really inspiring!'
'You read my book? Really?' Rory sounded excited.
'Of course' Amelie said 'I think you're a truly inspirational women. Achieving all that you have, having been raised by a single mother, that really struck a chord with me! Wow! And your mother sounds like a really inspirational woman as well!'
'She certainly is' Rory replied.
'Now tell me miss Gilmore, why are you so interested in sitting in on my lecture series?' Amelie asked.
'Well, I've just been through quite a challenging couple of years and..' The rest of Rorys sentence was drowned out by the sound of the three boys chuckling in the background.
'Excuse me, miss Gilmore' Amelie interjected, 'but I'm just taking care of my brothers kids and their neighbours little boy as well!'
'Oh, how adorable!' Rory replied 'I have a little boy as well.'
'I bet he's a real trooper!' Amelie said back, 'how old is he?'
'He's two' Rory replied 'and he certainly is!' For some reason that Amelie couldn't quite pinpoint, Rorys response sounded melancholy.
'Well this little one won't stop speaking in French, even though his first language is English. It's so adorable!' Amelie said. 'Actually miss Gilmore, I wanted to ask you something, if I may?'
'Yeah, that's absolutely no problem, go ahead ' replied Rory.
'Well with all of your professional experiences, your Yale degree and the success of your book, you seem overqualified to sit in on my course. So, I was wondering if you would like to become my teaching assistant?'
'Wow!' Rory replied, chuckling, 'of course I would! That sounds like an amazing experience! Thank you miss Touissant!'
'The pleasures all mine!' Amelie said back. 'Anyway, I should go now and let you get on with your day. I look forward to meeting you in the fall!'
'Me too!' Rory replied, 'thanks for speaking to me miss Touissant, goodbye!' Amelie hung up the phone. This Miss Gilmore sounded like a force to be reckoned with!

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