Part 83 - A solicitors office in new york

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Rory looked down at her phone and noticed the time. 12.55pm. Why wasn't Logan here yet? Their meeting started at 1.

'What's up honey?' When Lorelai asked this, Rory noticed that she'd been drumming her fingers on the table.
'What do you mean, mom?' Rory stopped drumming her fingers and turned to look at her mom, who was sat next to her.
'Rory..' Lorelai reached her hand out and placed it on Rorys, in an attempt to stop her from taking her anxiety out on the table. 'Honey. I know you're nervous about this. But, like Logan said on the phone, it's just a meeting with the solicitor to discuss the case he's gonna put forward in court on Monday..'

'Where the hell is he mom?' Rorys gaze moved over to the door of the small office they'd just been put into by the receptionist.
'Who?' Lorelai asked. 'Oh Logan? He'll be here on time. Don't worry it's only..' she looked down at her phone.. '12.56. It's 12.56. We still have a couple more...'

Just then the heavy brown door opened and in stepped Logan, alongside a tall, dark-haired man, who was dressed in a mauve suit. Clearly designer.

This was the first time Rory had seen Logan face-to-face in the two weeks since they'd broken up. She hadn't anticipated the sickly feeling she now felt in the pit of her stomach.

Although he was clearly deep in conversation with the solicitor, Rory noticed Logan sneak a glance over at her. Not wanting to make eye contact with him for fear over what she might feel, Rory turned her head away from Logan and towards Lorelai, who gave her a reassuring smile.

'This is the lovely miss Rory Gilmore!' Logan said, motioning the solicitor over to where Rory and Lorelai were sat. 'And this..' he paused. 'Is the glamourous miss Lorelai Gilmore!'

'Miss?' The solicitor said, glaring down at the wedding ring on Lorelais hand.
'Don't worry. I'm taken' she said, waving her hand up in the air, just to make sure the man had seen it. 'But I decided to keep my maiden name. So need to lock up your sons!'

Embarassed at what she had just heard, Rory used her knee to nudge her mom discretely under the table.
'Ouch!' Lorelai said out loud.
'Sorry what was that?' The solicitor asked.
'Oh nothing', Lorelai feigned a laugh. 'It was just a bee I got stung by. Stupid bee!'

As Lorelai swatted around aimlessly, Rory could feel her own cheeks going red. Catching a glance at Logan, she realised that his were doing the same.

'Never a dull moment with these Gilmore girls!' Logan said, motioning with his eyes at Lorelai to stop. 'Anyway ladies, this is Mr Walter Daniels. My fathers chief counsel. Well, when it comes to family matters anyway.' Logan and Walter shot each other a knowing look, both chuckling under their breath. 'Walter and I have been meeting these past couple weeks to discuss our custody case for Dylan. And we thought it would be a good idea to meet with you ladies and bring you up to speed on what's going on, before we go to court tomorrow.'

'I couldn't have put it better myself', Walter spoke up. 'It's a pleasure to meet you two ladies' He offered both Rory and Lorelai a hand to shake in turn.
'and Logan, please do sit down. Do I have to tell you twice!' He motioned towards the seat next to Rory. 'Sorry ladies,' Walter chuckled. I've known Logan since he were in diapers and he should know by now that he doesn't have to be invited to take a seat!'

'I'm so sorry Walter', Logan laughed in response. 'I didn't realise that taking a seat was compulsory!'

As Logan sat down on the seat next to Rory, she felt herself visibly tense. Clearly noticing this and not quite knowing what to say, Logan just whispered 'hey' and then turned to Lorelai and raised a hand in greeting.
'Oh hi, Logan!' Lorelai said jovially, making Rory crease with embarrassment.

Rory just stared down at her feet. Her lack of response to his greeting clearly not going unnoticed by Logan, as he tossed his phone around in his hands, in that way he always did when nervous.

Rory took a deep breath in to try and hold back her emotions. How had it come to this? This man she had known and loved for almost two decades and now she didn't even know how to say hi to him? Wow! There really was no going back from this.

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