Part 63 - Westchester social services

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'No, sorry I can't just let you walk in here and start making orders, this is a social services department.' The woman, whose name plaque on her desk revealed she was called Shelby looked up at Logan, whilst twisting a pen between her fingers.
'Do you know who I am?' Every time Logan had to use this line it made him wince, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
'Erm, sorry, no I don't', Shelby said. 'I'm sorry but should I?'
'Google Logan Huntzberger' Logan said, motioning towards the screen in front of the woman.

Logan could see Shelby clicking a few buttons and then her eyes scanning the page.
'Mmm' she said, 'so you're this rich dudes son?'
'Yeah' Logan replied 'and you know my father runs more than half of the newspapers in the newspapers in the entirety of the United States. I'm sure they'd have something to say about a social services department denying a father access to his son'.

At that Shelby got up out of her seat and tottled off, in heels that were clearly too high for her. 'I'll go and get my manager' she said.

A few seconds later a woman in her late 40s walked into the reception area. 'Can I help you sir?' she asked politely.
'Yeah' Logan said. 'My names Logan Huntzberger and I'm looking for more information about a child who I believe came into the care of social services in Los Angeles quite recently. His names Dylan, but I believe the woman who kidnapped him was referring to him as Daniel'.

Logan could tell, from the way that the woman turned an almost ghost-like white and grabbed onto the chair next to her, that she knew who he was talking about.
'And what gives you the right to recieve information about this child' the woman asked, as she tried to compose her child.
'I am his father', Logan said abruptly. 'He was kidnapped and taken from his cot when he was just three weeks old. It's recently come to my attention that the woman who kidnapped him has being incarcerated into state detention in Los Angeles.'

'And what leads you to believe that this child is under the care of Westchester Social Services?' the woman asked.
Logan cleared his throat. 'Madame, the woman was arrested at LAX airport whilst the child was in her care. Westchester is the nearest social services department to LAX. So, I think it would be more than a fair assumption to suggest that this department may have been responsible for the childs care.'

It was easy to tell that the woman was becoming increasingly concerned, due to the frown marks that had suddenly appeared on her forehead.
'Mr.. what did you say your name was again?'
'Huntzberger. Logan Huntzberger.' Logan said, placing emphasis on his last name. 'And yes, I am one of those Huntzbergers.'
Noticing that the woman was as yet unaware of his families prominence, Logan nodded towards the computer screen next to her.
She too glanced over it and her facial expressions made it visible to Logan that she was clearly taken aback by what she'd read.

'I see.' The woman cleared her throat. 'Well, that doesn't change anything. Your family name doesn't have any standing here. Some of the children we care for are extremely vulnerable and I have no proof that you have any claim to this child!'

'So you're admitting to me that the child I mentioned previously is in your care?' Logan was loosing him temper for the second time today, but he was determined to not show this like last time and so tried to keep his voice sounding calm.

'I'm sorry Mr Huntzberger'. The woman was standing her ground, but it was obvious that she was crumbling on the inside. 'But I can't deduce that information to an unknown person.'

Logan took a deep breath, in a desperate attempt to compose himself. He wasn't getting anywhere and there was no point in exhausting himself by trying to drag out this conversation.
'Ok', he said quietly. 'But my family have a whole team of lawyers and I can assure you that you'll be hearing from one of them very soon.


Once Logan Huntzberger had stormed out of her office, Wendy sat down in Shelbys chair next to her and tried to compose herself. But her attempt was hopeless. Wendy buried her head in her hands. Had she really just done the right thing?

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