Part 73 - The Huntzberger Los Angeles residence

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Logan walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen, making a beeline for the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

'Couldn't sleep?'
Logan almost jumped out of his skin when he heard Lorelais voice. This must have been visible because she laughed.
'Sorry did I scare you?' she asked.
'Ah, no it's cool', Logan said, as he flicked on the kettle.

Logan reached into the kitchen cupboard, grabbed two cups, filled them with coffee granules and then turned around.
'You don't have to stay here you know', he said, turning around and leaning on the kitchen worktop. 'How about you go and check in to that hotel you and Rory booked tonight? I'll pay the bill. Or you could book into somewhere else a little bit more treat! I've got plenty of places I could recommend'.

'Nah, it's fine', Lorelai said. 'I kinda wanna stay here until we head back to Connecticut. I wanna be here for you guys as much as possible.'
'You can't really do that in the middle of the night' Logan said, as he poured water and milk into the two cups.
'Well clearly I can', Lorelai said, gesturing towards where Logan was walking towards her.
When Logan sat down in the chair opposite her, Lorelai looked at him. 'And I've heard how she cries in the night.'
'I know', Logan said, biting his lip. 'I wish I could help her out there, but there's not a lot we can do really. That's why I think you should go and stay in that hotel. You can't be sleeping very well on this couch.'

'You know, Logan', Lorelai said, as she reached for the cup he had placed on the coffee table in front of her. 'Don't say anything to Rory, but I haven't been able to sleep at all really. You could put me in a palace and I still probably wouldn't sleep! I've just got all this stuff going round in my head. Goodness knows how it must be for you and Rory!'

'I know' Logan said, as he tapped his coffee cup. 'I've been meaning to say've been a great help to both of us. Thanks for stepping in yesterday, that really helped.'
'Well someone had to do it!' Lorelai said. 'I think that woman thought you were both mute.
Logan laughed. 'But seriously though', he said. 'I just completely fell to bits.' He looked down at his feet and started rubbing one of them on the floor. 'I completely lost it. But to be honest I don't think I ever had it together in the first place. Heck, I haven't had it together since I got out here a week and a half ago. But seriously Lorelai..' He looked up to face her. 'You've been an absolute godsend and I gotta thank you for that.'

Lorelai put her hand on her chest. 'Why thank you, Logan!' she said. 'But you know that's what moms are for. You know I'd only do this for my favourite daughter.' She paused. 'And for my favourite son in law.' She winked at him.

Logan didn't respond. He just looked back at Lorelai and put his coffee cup down on the table. 'That's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about actually. I kinda wanna making it all official'.

Lorelai spat her coffee out. Once she'd managed to compose herself a little, she said 'what, you mean, you wanna.. Logan, I think we've been here before. And what a thing to spring on a woman at 5am!'

Logan got up out of his seat. 'Here', he said. 'Let me get you a napkin'.
Lorelai glared at him and raised a finger, gesturing at Logan to sit back down in his chair. 'Not until you give me a bit more of an explanation.'

Logan sat back down as he'd been ordered. He leaned forward with his hands on his knees. 'I know I can't do this properly yet, as I still gotta get Odette to sign the divorce papers.' He shook his head in disgust. 'And I kinda wanna wait until we have Dylan back in our arms as well. But when we have the all clear and all of that's sorted out.' He paused. 'I kinda wanna ask Rory to marry me'.

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