Part 3 - London, England

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Logan closes the door to his mercedes shut and paces towards the door of his London townhouse. Today is have been such a tough day and he can think of nothing better than a neat scotch and an evening in front of his plasma screen TV. 'Oh how old I'm getting' he says to himself, thinking back to his partying days at Yale.
As he walks down the driveway he sees the crisp, white front door to his house swing open and his wife looking just as crisp and white stood in the entrance.
'Honey!' She calls out.
He rolls his eyes discretely, so that she doesn't sense his annoyance. God, what does she want this time. Can I man not just ask for an evening of relative quiet after a long hard day at work.

He tries to push past her to get into the house, but as he puts one foot on the doorstep, she grabs the front of his blazer. 'Honey,' she says, 'do I not get a welcome home kiss?' Reluctantly, he plants a subtle kiss on her cheek, pushes past her into the house and slams his briefcase down on the floor. He senses the smell of food in the air. Oh god, she's going to make him sit and have dinner. Logan rolls his eyes again, an all too familiar expression these days he thinks.

Not noticing that Logan is already half way upstairs to his miniature bachelor pad, or study as he calls it to her, his wife begins rambling in the way that annoys him so much.
'So how was your day?' she begins, 'Nothing too stressful I hope. And I've made us dinner. I've cooked pork chop, as I know it's your favourite. And I have mashed potato and grilled mushrooms and cherry pie for dessert!'
'Sounds delicious honey!' he calls out, hoping that she doesn't realise he's already a flight of stairs away from her. But she doesn't.
'Logan!!' He hears her call his name, 'where on earth are you going? You better not be going back up to that study of yours. You seem to spend forever in there. You do need to take some time to relax you know.'
'I have tons of work to catch up on' he replies, not even turning around to see where his wife is standing.
'But you've been at the office all day' she replies.
'Honey, running a multimillion dollar company is not just a 9 to 5 job you know, it's a big commitment'. He's managed to make it to the top of the stairs now without her noticing.

Logan just manages to slump into the couch and pick up the tv remote, before he hears footsteps coming up the stairs. Before his wife has time to knock on the door, he pulls it open, being careful to block her view of the study with his body, so that she can't see its true purpose.

'Will you at least sit and have dinner with me?' she asks.
'No honey' he tells her, 'I've already told you how busy I am.'
'But we never have dinner together any more and tonight I have something super special planned' she pleads.
'I know, you told me, pork chop and mash potato. I need to go, I have a client in new York waiting for me on to jump on a video call right now.'
'No it's the not the pork chop that's the special part' she tells him 'I have some super special news'.
'And what's that?' he asks her.
'I wasn't going to tell you now, but I might as well'. She moves her hands closer to her stomach and Logan can feel as his face turn white, as he suddenly realises what she's about to tell him. He watches her look down at her hands and then glance up at him and back to her stomach again. 'Honey, I'm pregnant'.

At hearing these words come from his wifes mouth Logan drops the telivision remote he has forgotten that he was still holding. Just then he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He presses the mute button but sees a name flash up across the screen he's forgotten it's connected to. A name that one point he never thought he'd see again, especially not now...'Rory Gilmore'

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