Part 74 - Rory and Logans apartment in New Haven

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'Open wide!' Rory said, pushing the swab so that it reached Logans tonsils.
'Mmagawaga' Logan mumbled. Rory hit him on the arm with her free hand.
'Logan!!' she said. 'Can you just keep still for thirty seconds? I gotta get this!'

When Rory had finally retrieved the swab from Logans mouth, he was allowed to speak.
'This is ridiculous!' he said. 'Why have I gotta do a DNA test to prove that I'm my own sons father?'
'I know!' Rory said 'it's even crazier that I gotta prove to them that I'm his mother. I can show them the scars from the stitches I had to have after I gave birth to him, if they want!'

Logan put his hand out, signalling Rory to stop. 'Please don't', he said 'you're not your mom!' Rory laughed out loud. 'Do you really think my mom would...'
'That's really something I don't wanna imagine' Logan said, 'but I wouldn't put it past her!'

'Hey, ace..' Logan said. Suddenly his tone turned a lot more serious and he looked down at the bed they were sat on.
'Yeah..' Rory reached over and grabbed Logans hand, which he took appreciatively.
'Did you ever think about what would have happened if you'd never gotten pregnant with Dylan?'
'What do you mean?' Rory asked. As she realised the seriousness of what Logan was trying to tell her, she put a finger under his chin and lifted his head up, so that he couldn't help but look at her.

In response to this, Logan grabbed both of Rorys hands and looked into her eyes. 'I mean...we could have been complete strangers to each other right now. We were both ready to...'
'I know', Rory interrupted him. 'Do you think we could have ever stayed away from each other forever?' But before Logan could answer her question, she looked up at him and begun to ask another one. 'Logan...' she began.

Rory took a deep breath in. 'If Dylan hadn't gone missing and if Odette hadn't shown you her true colours, would you..'
'Would I have stayed married to her?' Logan finished asking her question for her. Before Logan responded, he let go of Rorys hand and threw himself backwards, so that his head was on his pillow and his hands behind his head. Rory moved so that she was next to him and propped herself up on her elbow.

'You know..I've asked myself this question a thousand and one times these past two and a half years..' Logan was staring at the ceiling now. 'And you know, I've never actually come to a complete answer. You know I only married her out of duty.' He looked over at Rory. 'You know it's always been you.' She couldn't help but blush when he said things like that.

'But I wonder how long that sense of duty would have lasted.. I mean by the time we had the miscarriage..' Rory rubbed Logans hand. She knew this was a touchy subject for him. 'By the time we had the miscarriage I near on hated her anyway and that's before I even knew what she was really like.' Logan let out a small chuckle.

Rory looked over at Logan.
'You know..' she put a hand on this thigh. 'And don't hate me for this, but it's just something I've come to think lately..'
Logan propped himself up, so he could face Rory directly. He reached down and put a hand on her knee.
'Ace, really?' he said, tilting his head.

Rory giggled nervously. 'I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes I'm kinda greatful for what's happened with Dylan.' Logan went to open his mouth, but she stopped him. 'Just bear with me a minute. I mean it's brought you and me closer together and..'
This time Logan was allowed to interrupt her. 'But don't you think that would have happened eventually anyway?' he asked her.

'I don't know.' Rory giggled again. Logan sat up now and turned around so that he was facing Rory. He moved closer to her and grabbed both of her hands again.
'But you know..' he said, 'I really couldn't give a crap about all the what ifs and whatever. You know I love you Rory Gilmore. And with everything that's happened and everything that's gonna happen, I'm glad we get to face it together'.
'Yeah, me too' Rory said and she moved around to sit next to Logan, so she could lean her head on his shoulder.

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