Part 44 - A French Airport

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Maddie and Odette stood staring up at the departure board above them.
'Where's the next flight departing to?' Odette asked.
'Erm it looks like there's one to Miami Florida' Maddie replied 'it's boarding in about an hours time, which will give us just enough time to get through customs and the like'.
'Miama, isn't that a bit close to -' Odette begun.
'Connecticut?' Maddie asked, 'Odette it's in a totally different state. There are millions of people in America and the busier it is, the more difficult it is to track someone down'.
'True' Odette replied.

When Odette noticed the suitcase she was holding shuffle along the floor by itself, she opened the small gap she had made with the zip wider and glaced down at her son. The suitcase was almost big enough for Daniel to fit in, but he did have to bring his knees up to his chest. Odette did feel guilty for forcing her son into a dirty, grimy suitcase that had been left at the side of the road, but what choice did she have if she wanted to keep him with her?

Realising that Maddie had just noticed the same thing that she had, Odette glared at her friend. Maddie reached into her pocket and rumbled around for a minute, until she produced a small chewy sweet and a toy dinosaur. Maddie had to be the most prepared mum ever. She passed the sweet and toy to Odette, who took them from her and dropped them through the hole in the suitcase. That should keep Daniel happy for a while.

'We should really check in now if we want to make this flight' Maddie said, chewing her lip nervously. 'It says on the board the check in closes in five minutes'.

Maddie and Odette walked over to the check in desk. Luckily, there was only one couple in front of them in the que.
'Good afternoon ladies' the airline rep said, 'you're cutting it a bit fine' she looked at her watch.
'I know' Maddie replied leaning on the desk, 'but you know what it's like, traffic was manic!'
'Very lovely, so you're off to Miami, Florida. Girls holiday?' the rep asked.
'Something like that' Maddie replied and chuckled.
'Very well' the rep said 'can I see your passports please?' Maddies heart dropped. With all this fuss over not having Daniels passport, Maddie had forgotten to realise that she hadn't even got her own!
'Ermm, I'm sorry' Maddie pretended to search through her pockets, 'oh my god, I can't believe this!' she looked up at Odette, 'I've left it at home!'
Odette just rolled her eyes at Maddie. More for the benefit of the holiday rep she said, 'oh this is typical of you Maddie! You're so disorganised' She slapped her friends arm playfully for effect.
Just then, Odettes phone began to vibrate in her pocket. When she brought it out, Maddie recognised Antoines number and answered the phone for her. She walked away from the desk, so that the rep couldn't hear the conversation she was having.
'Hey, honey' Maddie said down the phone, trying to sound calm and collected as she spoke to her husband.
'Maddie, is that you?' Antoine shouted, 'what the hell are you-!'
'Shhh' Maddie uttered. 'I'm at the airport'.
'I know you're at the bloody airport!' Antoine was shouting now, 'I'm on my way to get you! What the hell are you playing at Maddie! She's a criminal! You do realise that by helping her leave the country you're..'
'Antoine!' Maddie interrupted her husband, 'I'm going with her.'
Antoine errupted 'are you insane Maddie! This womans a kidnapper!'
'I know' Maddie was whispering now. 'I'm not doing it for her, I'm doing it for Daniel, there's a better chance of keeping him safe if I'm here.'
'But Maddie' Antoine begun 'what about our boys?!'
'They have you!' Maddie pleaded with her husband, 'Daniel has noone.'
'Well, yes he does' Antoine replied, 'he has a mum and a dad and I'm sure plenty of other relatives who..'
Maddie cut him off. 'Antoine I need your help' she said, 'I need you to turn around now and go back home. I need you to get my passport'.
'No, Maddie. I can't!' Antoine refused.
Maddie let out an exasperated sigh. 'Antoine I need to..'
'Ok' Antoine interrupted, 'but we're doing it for the little boy and not her'.
'Yes' Maddie agreed, 'how soon can you be here?'
'Well I'm already half way there' Antoine replied, 'so to get home and back there again will be at least two hours..'
'But..' Maddie said, as she pondered for a second. She swivelled around and turned to look at her friend, who was still stood at the check-in desk.
'Odette' she shouted, 'we're gonna have to have a change of plans..' Maddie looked up at the board to see the second upcoming flight to America. 'We're flying to Los Angeles, California!'
'Ooh! Lovely and sunny!' the holiday rep said.

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