Part 62

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Logan got back into the car he had hired for the day. He finally managed to release the breath he had been holding in for the last half hour. That had been intense.

'Where to sir?' the chauffeur asked.
'Just one second buddy' Logan managed to say, as he tried to catch his breath. Once Logan had finally managed to catch up with his breathing, he paused to think. Where did he want to go next? He looked at his watch. If he went back to the airfield now, he'd still have plenty of time to fly the jet back over to Connecticut and be back in New Haven, before Rory had realised anything. But suddenly Logan realised he wasn't ready to leave California yet.

He wasn't going to get a confession out of Odette. Today's conversation had taught him that if anything. But there must be something he could still do. There had to be something he could do to find his son. He knew that Luke had called around all of the social services departments in Los Angeles, but surely it would be more effective turning up in person and Logan had known long enough that the Huntzberger name could open doors to him that nobody else would be able to access.

Logan pulled his phone out of his pocket and searched for local social services departments. He looked over to the driver, who was still poised waiting to be given his instructions. Logan picked the first name on the list. That would be the easiest way of doing this.
'Westchester social services department' he told the driver.

Before Logan had chance to put his phone back in his pocket a text message came through. It was from Rory.
'How's your first day back going? xx'
Logan decided to call Rory. He was going to have to say something to her, if he wanted to stay in LA any longer.

'Hey honey!' he said when she answered the phone.
'You got back quickly' Rory replied, 'I didn't expect you to call'.
'Yeah ace, I need to tell you something actually, I thought it would be better to say over the phone, rather than text'.

Logan heard Rory take a sharp intake of breath. Bless her. They'd had enough bad news lately that conversations like this always caused to prepare herself for the worst.
'It's nothing to worry about', he managed to interject, in an attempt to keep her calm. 'It's just a massive stories come out. It's kinda a big deal'. Logan looked down and started to play with the watch on his wrist. He hated lying to Rory like this. 'So it looks like I'm gonna end up staying in overnight so we can get everything on track to break it tomorrow morning'. This was a good excuse. It wasn't the first time he'd had to stay late due to something like this happening. 'I'm sorry!' he added for good luck.

Rory laughed. 'God you really had me there Logan. I thought it was gonna be something serious. That sounds like one hell of a first day. Do you want me to come by later and drop off some food or something?'
Logan paused, trying to think of an excuse.
'No it's ok ace', he finally said. 'You know I'd love to see you right now, but the whole building is on lockdown. Noones allowed in or out right now. You know how these media things can work out'.
Rory chuckled again. 'I sure do. Well I best let you crack on then. Give me a call later if you get a chance.'
'I'll try' Logan said, 'But you're right. I gotta get on, so I'll speak to you later. Logan paused and then added, 'oh ace'.
'I love you.'
'I love you too' Rory said, before she hung up the phone.

Logan groaned and pushed his fingers through his hair. There was another tough conversation and not the last one he was going to have today, he was sure. In the last two years of them being in an official relationship, this was the first time he'd lied to Rory and it wasn't easy. But sometimes lying did more to help than hurt and today was one of those occasions. This was something he had to do by himself.

As the car turned a corner, Logan looked up to see a large office block to his left. The driver pulled into a car park and Logan was able to read the sign above him; Westchester Social Services.

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