Part 27 - About a month later

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Beeeep!!! The ringing of the alarm woke Rory up. She rolled over in bed. Eugh! Was it time to get up already. Rory felt Logans hand rubbing her back. He leaned into her so that his mouth was just centimetres away from her ear.
'Go back to sleep' he said, 'that was just my alarm. It's 6am. You still have another hour at least'. But it was too late, Rory was wide awake. As soon as she'd remembered what today was, she knew she would never be able to get back to sleep. Rory pushed herself up and sat bolt upright in bed.
'It's too late' she said, 'you know what today is. I have about a thousand and one things going on in my head!' Logan placed a hand on Rorys thigh and looked up at her.
'And I've told you about a thousand and one times, you got this!' He said to her.
'I know, I know it's just my first day back at Yale in over ten years and...'
'Shhh' Logan put a finger over Rorys lips, 'for the one thousand and second time, you'll be fine.' Rory pushed Logans hand away from her face and smiled at him. He had a certain way of always making her feel better about these sorts of things.
'Anyway' Logan stood up out of bed as he spoke, 'I gotta get ready, or I'll be late for work. Coffee?'
'Do you even have to ask?' Rory giggled back.
'And you should probably eat something as well' Logan suggested, 'can I get you some toast or something?'
'Actually Logan,' Rory began 'I'm feeling a bit too nervous to eat right now.'
'Seriously?' Logan asked as he leaned against the bedroom door, 'a Gilmore not hungry? Gee, I think I need to record this date in my diary'. Rory just glared at him.
'Anyway,' she said, 'I thought you had to be at work. Get busy!'
'Alright, Alright!' Logan said, holding his hands up, as he walked off into the kitchen.
'And don't forget the coffee!' Rory shouted, as he walked away.

A couple of minutes later, as Rory sat up in bed nursing a cup of steaming hot coffee, Logan entered the bedroom from the en-suite bathroom. Rory couldn't help but jump up out of bed as she saw her boyfriend walking towards her across the bedroom. Somehow, he looked hotter and hotter every day.
'I just wanted to say goodbye before you go' she said to him, seductively.
'Oh yeah..' Logan said, as he pulled her closer to him.
'It's just that normally I'm fast asleep when you leave, so I don't often get to do this' Rory said, grabbing hold of the tie that Logan was trying to do up.
'Do what?' Logan asked her. Rory slipped her hands behind Logans back and kissed him.
'And I assume there's plenty more where that came from later' Logan said, before pulling back to pick up his suit jacket.
'There certainly is' Rory winked and leaned forward to give him one last quick peck on the lips before he left.
'I can't wait!' Logan looked down at his watch, 'but for now I gotta go like 5 minutes ago!' and he headed towards the front door. Rory followed him into the living room.
'Okay see you later', have a nice day' she said. Noticing that Rory was behind him, Logan wipped back around and kissed her passionately on the lips. He looked at his watch again.
'And now I'm running like 8 minutes late' he said, 'see you later tonight!', he pulled her closer to him 'and I promise you, you're gonna do amazing at this!'

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