Part 25 - A restaurant in New Haven

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When Logan got into the restaurant Rory was already sat at a table for two waiting for him. He couldn't help but note how beautiful she looked, in a sky blue smock dress, which matched her eyes perfectly. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, with one loose curl dangling down at the front. Just the way he liked it.
'Hey' Logan said as he arrived at the table. 'You look beautiful tonight' he said, leaning over to plant a kiss on Rorys cheek, before he took his seat opposite her.
'Thanks, you look nice as well' Rory said, avoiding eye contact with Logan. He knew she got nervous when he complimented her like that in public.
'Gee thanks Gilmore!' Logan replied, as he took off his jacket and placed it on the back of his chair. 'I've heard the lobster here is great!' Logan said as he opened up the menu. He noticed Rorys eyes glaze over the menu, as she flicked from page to page.
'This menu looks good!' Rory said, 'I really can't choose what to have tonight'.
'Don't pretend you didn't already download the menu and decide what you were having before you even left the house!' Logan chuckled.
'Okay, I may have looked over it a little bit' Rory replied.
'And you decided that you were having...' Logan said, rotating his wrist.
'Alright, alright' Rory said, 'I'm having the New York Barbecue burger with sweet potato fries and onion rings'.
'I knew it!' Logan responded, snapping his fingers, 'I know you too well ace!' He winked at Rory. She just rolled her eyes back at him.
'Anyway' Rory cleared her throat, 'the reason I wanted to come out to dinner was because I have something to tell you'.
'So it wasn't just for the sweet potato fries!' Logan chuckled in response.
'No it was for the cheeseburger' Rory replied 'and I have something else to tell you as well'.
'What, you joined the New Haven swim team?' Logan asked, sarcastically.
'Logan!' Rory growled, 'this is important!'
'Haha go on then ace, tell me what is' Logan replied.
'So last night, I got to thinking' Rory began, 'I was thinking about everything that's happened these past two years and it's been a while now since Odette took Dylan. I never really wanted to work to begin with, because looking for Dylan was a full time job, but you said the Private Investigator is doing their best to find him now. I can cope with that, I think.'
Logan grimaced internally. He hated lying to her about the investigation.
'So I was thinking' Rory continued 'that nows about the right time to try and get my career back on track. I'm not really ready to write another book yet, so I thought maybe I'd take a couple of classes at Yale, while I decide what to do next'.
'That sounds like a great idea' Logan interjected, 'we're in the right area now and Yales a good school. I know how much you loved it there. Any ideas what you might wanna study?'
'Well...' Rory began, 'there's this new lecturer there called Amelie Touissant, she's a doing a lecture series on women in journalism. I thought that might be a good start'.
'I knew you'd have a plan ace' Logan said 'and it sounds like a good one. So are you gonna apply to sit in on one of her classes?'
'Well, I called her reception today' Rory said. Logan laughed, he knew she would already have set a plan in motion. 'And apparently she's away on vacation in France at the moment, visiting her family. But they said she'd be happy to take an international phone call with me, tomorrow at 1.'
'Wow!' Logan looked up at Rory, 'that really does sound like you have a plan in action. He reached for Rorys hands across the table and held them in his. 'I'm so proud of you Rory' he began, 'I know this last two years have been tough on you and I know you will never stop searching for Dylan. I definitely won't do either. But, you're right. Now is the right time to get back to doing something you love. And who knows maybe afterwards you'll be ready to do your masters'.
'Maybe', Rory replied. She took her fingers out from under Logans hands and interlinked them with this. Finally, she could see a light at the end of the tunnel she'd been in for the last two years.

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