Part 8 - Hartford Airport

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Luke checked his watch. 6.15pm. Logans flight was supposed to get in at 6. Give him a bit of time to get through security and get his bags, he should be here in the next 10 minutes.

God, he hated this guy. The only reason he'd driven to pick him up was because Lorelai had asked him to and he could never resist those puppy dog eyes. Plus, he knew how much this meant to Rory, despite the pain Logan had put her through. Luke had missed the first 12 years of his daughter Aprils life and even though she'd been in his life for more than ten years now, he often thought about the early years of her life he would never get back. So he understood why Rory didn't want that for Logan and Dylan.

Luke caught sight of the billboard next to him out of the corner of his eye. The cover of Rorys book was blown up across it. He couldn't help but laugh to himself at the thought of someones first glimpse of the United States being his wife and stepdaughters faces.

Logan made Luke jump when he appeared in front of him. 'Hey Luke, how's it going?' Logan asked.
'You got out quick', Luke kept staring at his feet.
'Yeah, I only bought carry on luggage' said Logan.
'Erm the trucks parked right outside, so I guess we can just..' Luke said, as he started to walk towards the airport exit.
'Sure' Logan said and followed closely behind him.

Luke and Logan sat in silence in the truck, as they drove the half hour journey from the airport back to Stars Hollow.
'It's been awfully quiet in this car', Logan remarked. Luke didn't say anything but just reached forward to turn on the radio.
'I almost feel as if someone's giving me the cold shoulder', Logan carried on. Still, Luke didn't respond.
'And you know, I can't help but wonder why I come all the way out here to meet my newborn son and his family can't even be bothered to talk to me on the drive home from the airport', Logan added.
'You broke her heart' was all Luke could say.
'What's that?' Logan asked.
'You broke heart' Luke started 'over and over again. All the way through college. You mess her around, you say you're gonna call and you don't! You leave her to go to the other side of the world. And even after she graduates we think you're gone, but oh no you have to stick around in her life for the next ten years. You're stringing her along, whilst you're engaged to another woman. And just as she thinks you're finally out of her life... BAM she's pregnant with mini Logan. And what do you do? Do you break off your engagement? No. You carry on and get married. You say you wanna be a part of your kids life but you move all the way to the other side of the Atlantic ocean and break Rorys heart yet again! So excuse me if I'm not stood at the airport waving a placard with your name on it and if I'm not chit chatting to you on the drive home. I came and picked you up out of a duty to my wife and to our daughter and that's it Logan. You and I are not friends, or pals or buds, we're just two guys driving in a truck and that's it.'

When Luke has finally finished speaking Logan responds.
'Luke, you know I loved Rory, I really did and I'm so sorry that I broke her heart . And if I played around and messed her about and if I didn't call it was cos I was just a kid. But I'm here now Luke and I wanna be a dad to my kid. Walking away from Rory when I knew she was pregnant was one of the hardest things I had to do, but my job is in London and my father would never have had it if I broke off my engagement to Odette. And I totally get it if you and Lorelai hate me. I put Rory and you all through it, I know I did, but I'm here now and I'm sorry.'

Logans phone began to vibrate in his pocket.
'You gotta get that?' asked Luke.
'No it can wait' Logan replied, 'now it's family time'.
The car rounded a corner towards Luke and Lorelais apartment.
'Rory and Dylan are staying here for now' Luke began, 'Lorelai and I in fact really wanted to help her out.'
'I totally get it' said Logan, as he stepped out of the car, 'thanks for the lift Luke'.

Rory ran down the steps in front of the house towards Logan and grabbed him by the arm.
'You have to come see him!' she said excitedly, 'he's sleeping now, but he's so so perfect!' She took Logans arms and pulled him back towards the house.
Logan greeted Lorelai as Rory pulled him into the house and towards the crib where their son lay.
As Luke followed him in, he caught his wifes expression in the corner of his eye. Lorelai rolled her eyes and shrugged at her husband.

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