Part 12 - Stars Hollow

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'Logan, Logan' Rory shouted as she walked through the door, grocery bag in hand. 'How was Dylan?'.
'Shhh' Logan walked towards the door, a finger placed to his lips, he's sleeping'.
'What? Still?' Rory asked.

Logan was surprised at this as well. He'd felt sure that the sound of Odettes screaming down the phone would surely have woken his son up. But when he'd put down the phone and gone to check on him, Dylan had still been asleep.

'You must have a magic touch!' Rory said, as she tapped Logan on the shoulder. 'Mom, he's still asleep!' she called out of the door to Lorelai, who was still with Luke unpacking bags from the truck.
'Sshh you'll wake him', Logan whispered. He looked past Rory to see what Lorelai and Luke were doing. 'Jeez!' He exclaimed, 'for such a small kid he sure needs a lotta stuff!'
'He does' Rory chuckled, 'but half of this is just mine and mom's coffee supply. And Lukes ear plugs'. Logan laughed at this.

By now, Lorelai had appeared right behind Rory, with Luke stood closely behind her. She tapped Rorys shoulder. 'So are we allowed to come in?' she asked.
'Sorry, I forgot I was blocking the doorway', Rory replied, as she moved out of the way.
'How's little guy?' Lorelai looked at Logan and asked.
'I told you mom, he's still sleeping!' Rory interjected.
'Really wow!' Lorelai replied, 'he's sure like his mom'.

'Rory, can I just borrow you one minute?' Logan asked.
'Sure' Rory said, as Logan led her into the bedroom their son was sleeping in, leaving Luke and Lorelai in the kitchen with confused expressions on their faces.

Rory leaned into the crib. 'So he is still sleeping!' she exclaimed.
'Did you not believe me?' Logan chuckled back.
'Are you sure he's still breathing?' Rory asked, placing a hand on her sons cheek.
'Yeah, he's alive and breathing!' Logan replied.

'Rory' Logan began, 'I kinda have something I need to tell you'. He bit his lip anxiously. Rory nodded at him to go on, but she was still staring in admiration at her son. 'Rory, look here' Logan said.
'Mmm' was all Rory could reply. Logan walked up to Rory and placed both hands on her shoulders, turning her around to face him.
'Go on' Rory managed.
'I kinda gotta go back to London' Logan began.
Suddenly Rory started speaking in more than one syllable.
'Why Logan! Why?! Is it really too much to ask for you to spend more than 5 minutes with your newborn son! What? Was me going out to the store and leaving you here with him too much?!'
'Shhh' Logan interupted Rory by placing his hands back on her shoulders, but she wriggled out of his grip. 'Rory you'll wake the baby.' 'Somethings happened' Logan carried on.
'What, what's happened Logan?' Rory asked, 'what could possibly have happened! A business meeting? Maybe a few drinks with your friends back in old blightey?' She threw her hands up in the air. Logans voice was calm when he replied.
'Rory, you know that I would do anything in the world not to be missing this. I've flown all the way out here to be here and I wouldn't be going home if it weren't something so big.' Rory just stood there with her arms folded glaring at Logan, so he carried on. 'You know how I told you that Odette was pregnant?' Rory just nodded. 'Well she was, but she called today and I think she's losing the baby'. Logan stared at the floor as he said this. It was the first time he'd said it aloud and he was overcome by emotion.
'Oh Logan'...Rory stepped towards him, 'why didn't you just say?' Logan let out the smallest of chuckles.
'I literally just did.'
Rory put her hands out and touched Logans arms. He reached back and touched hers. He couldn't help but smirk. After all these years and just when his heart was breaking into a million pieces. How could she still make him feel like this?

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