Part 2 - Hartford Hospital

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'At least let me park the truck before you leap out of it' says Luke.
'I'm sorry Luke my daughter is in labour and I need to be there' Lorelai replies, as she paces across the hospital car park.
'Okay', Luke replies 'I have your..'. Luke can hardly finish his sentence before Lorelai dashes through the automatic doors to the hospital and throws herself at the front desk.
'I,I'm looking for my daughter, Rory Gilmore' Lorelai manages between gasps.
'Ah, she came in about 10 minutes ago' the nurse replies 'second door on the right'.

'Mommys coming sweetie' Lorelai calls out, as she dashes down the corridor.
'Mom! It, it hurts so much!' Rory says, as she sees her mum enter the room.
'I know sweetie, I've been there' Lorelai replies, 'but you just have to sit tight. Has the nurse been in yet?'
'Yeah she's just gone to get me some pain relief' pants Rory. Just then, Lorelais phone vibrates in her pocket. She picks it up.

'Lorelai' Emily shouts down the phone, 'it's your mother. I'm at your house. Where are you?'
'Ok mom, I know it's you. I have caller ID' her daughter replies, 'listen, I'm at the at the hospital with Rory, she's gone into labour'.
'Oh goodness!' Emily responds, 'Rorys in labour. You're at the hospital, I'll be there right away'. Lorelai can hear an engine running in the background. She looks over at Rory, who shakes her head in dissaproval, all whilst biting her bottom lip to try and mask the pain.
'No it's ok mom' Lorelai calls into the reciever, 'we have it all covered here, you just go home and sit tight, I'll give you a call later'.
'Ok' comes the a solemn reply from Emily and Lorelai hears the engine cool off.
'Oh and mom' Lorelai calls back 'I accidentally left the oven on. Could you go inside and turn it off for me? The spare key is under the turtle'.
'Of course' replies Emily, 'keep me in the loop'.
'Sure will, great grandmother!', Lorelai replies before hanging up the phone. Despite her pain, Rory can't help but let out a small chuckle.

'What happened Kirk?' Luke asks, as he takes a seat on a squeaky blue chair.
'I don't really know' replies Kirk 'I was out selling my GPS watches when a dog comes running out in front of me. Now I notice that this dog has a prosthetic leg and I've never seen a dog with a prosthetic leg before. So of course I wanted to try out the camera on my new GPS watch. So I run towards the dog...'
'Cut to the chase, Kirk' Luke growls.
'And in spite of it only having three legs, it's just as fast as a four-legged dog, probably a five-legged dog, although I've never seen one of those'.
Luke folds his arms across his chest and glares at Kirk.
Sensing Lukes displeasure, Kirk puts his hands out in front of him. 'Okay, okay', he begins, 'so I find Rory, sat on a bench right in the middle of the square. She's leaning over with her hand on her stomach, which I find very peculiar. So I ask her what's happening and she tells me she's in labour. It takes me a couple of seconds to figure out what this means, but eventually I pull out my GPS and call a cab and that's how we ended up here'.
Luke exhales exasperated, 'oh finally Kirk', he says, 'god, I can't believe Rory is going to have a baby'.
'No me neither' Kirk replies, 'now, I don't mind staying around for the birth, I did spend a short time as a midwife'.
Luke squints at him confused, 'when was that? That won't be necessary Kirk, we'll take it from here. Thank you'.
Kirk stands up 'are you sure?'
'Yes, I'm sure' comes Lukes sharp reply.

The door to the delivery room opens and Lorelai pokes her head out.
'Oh, hi Kirk!' she says, surprised.
'How's Rory?' Luke asks.
'Oh she's fine, they've given her pain relief and she seems to be doing ok', replies Lorelai, 'you can come in if you like'.
'Sure' says Kirk, pushing his way towards the door'.
'No Kirk. Not you' Luke says, 'go home now'. He looks up at his wife. 'I think I'm ok here, you know how I hate these places. I'll just let you girls...'
Lorelai chuckles at him. 'Luke, it's fine, we're gonna be ok for a while. The nurse says she's only 3 centimetres, so we'll be waiting a while yet. Plus, Rory hasn't even taken her pants off yet.' Lukes cheeks go bright red and Lorelai chuckles, just the response she'd hoped for. Reluctantly, Luke walks past his wife and into the delivery room.
'Your bag' he says, throwing a duffle bag into Lorelais arms.

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