Part 69

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Rory swung open the door to the apartment and rushed into Logans arms. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed the top of her head. He hadn't realised how much he'd missed her until now.

Over Rorys shoulder Logan could see a quite bewildered looking Lorelai. She raised one hand in the air and smiled in greeting. Although their relationship had been tumultuous, Logan knew that Lorelai cared about him and would had been worried about him. He hated himself for what he'd put them both through.

Logan unwrapped his arms from around Rory, there would be time for more of that later, and moved over towards Lorelai. He gave her a rather awkward hug. He couldn't remember whether they had ever hugged before, so this felt strange.

When Logan pulled away from Lorelai, she begun hitting at his chest.
'Where the hell have you been?!' she said, 'She's. We've been worried sick. We thought you'd..'
'I know'. Logan grabbed Lorelais hands and placed them down by her sides, then he turned around to face Rory. 'I'm so sorry. I never thought you'd...If I'd have known you'd take it that way, I never would have..'

Logan could tell from the glare that Rory was giving, that her mom was stood behind him readying herself for round two, so he took a step forward.

'That doesn't matter right now', Rory said, as she moved closer towards Logan, 'I'm just so happy you're ok'. Pleased that she was now close enough to touch, Logan put his hands on the back of Rorys shoulders and pulled her closer to him. She nestled her head into his chest. All that Logan could do was take in her scent. How he'd missed that so much these past couple of days!

Logan put his hand under Rorys chin and tipped it, so that all he could see where those beautiful blue eyes, looking back up at him. She moved her face closer to his, sensing what he wanted. It wasn't until he kissed her passionately that he finally realised how much and for how long he'd been dying to do this.

It took them both a while to notice that Lorelai had sneaked quietly out of the door behind them, but once they realised she had they were both greatful.

About 45 minutes later, when they were both sat in bed tangled in one others arms, Rory looked up at Logan.
' you wanna tell me what all this was about?'
'What, that?' he said with a wink, 'I thought you'd know by now'.
'No, Logan!' she thumped his arm. 'What was all this about?' Rorys voice was calm, but Logan could tell that she was nervous to hear his answer. 'You coming all the way out here to LA. I have a pretty good idea what you were coming out in search of, but why didn't you say anything to me? Logan, I think I deserve some sort of an explanation.' She looked up at him, tears glazing over her eyes.

Logan paused for about 30 seconds and then he said 'I saw him Rory.'
'Saw who?' Rory asked and then, when she realised who he was talking about, the tears started to roll down her face. 'Oh Logan!' she said, 'how was he? Was he..?'

'Everything we could have imagined and more!'  Logan reached out to dry Rorys face with his thumb. 'He's so perfect, he looks just like you! He has your eyes and the cutest little laugh and..' Logan stopped at that, as he felt Rory moving away from him.

'So what happened then Logan, why didn't you run in there and get him?!' Rory was starting to raise her voice now. Logan tried to reach out a hand to touch Rorys face, but when she swatted him away, he knew he was hopeless.

'No Logan!' Now he knew she'd lost control. 'Why didn't you! When you were so close to our son! Just metres away from him, enough to hear him laugh to see what colour his eyes were!'
'Ace, I..' Logan began, but Rory wasn't giving him a chance to speak.
'Why didn't you go in and get him, Logan!' Rory shouted and she burst into floods of tears.

Logan moved closer to Rory and this time she let him put a hand on her shoulder. He touched her face and turned it, so that he could make eye contact with her.
'I thought I wouldn't be good enough!'

Rory and Logan sat on the bed with their arms around each other, both in floods of tears.

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