Part 21 - About two years later

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Logan lay wide awake in bed, flat on his back, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a good nights sleep. His doctor had put him on anti-depressants, but they just seemed to make him more tired during the day. He reached across to the bedside table next to him and picked up his phone. He looked at the date. Today was the day he'd been dreading for the past couple of weeks, Dylans second birthday.

Logan looked at the time 4.45am. He might as well get up now and get into work early. It would give him a chance to get some work done before everyone else got in and by god he needed a distraction today. Careful not to wake Rory, he got up out of bed and reached for a t-shirt that lay crumpled on the bedroom floor.
'Eurgh!' Rory mumbled next to him.
'Ssh!' He said 'go back to sleep'. Although, he knew that once she realised what day it was she would be wide awake.
'Logan!' Rory called out. Logan sat back down on the bed next to her and stroked her tangled hair. He placed a kiss on her cheek, before making his way over to the kitchen.

The place he and Rory had bought in New Haven was only quite modest. It was meant to be for Rory and Dylan, but when Dylan went missing and Logan moved back over to Connecticut, it was made sense for him to move in there. Of course, Logan and Rory getting back together had made things alot easier. Before that, Logan had been sleeping on the couch, as Rory had wanted to leave Dylans room just as she had decorated it before he was born. In case he came home.

At first, Logan moving back to Connecticut had just been a convenience thing. He'd found himself traveling backwards and forwards every other week and there was nothing keeping him in London any more. His father had given him a position running a local newspaper in New Haven, which wasn't the most thrilling job in the world, but at least it provided some sort of distraction.

He hadn't wanted to take advantage of Rory when she was grieving for her missing son, but soon after they'd moved in together it became clear that the feelings they'd always had for each other were still there. Neither of them had wanted to admit it, but a few bottles of wine and a drunk fumble one evening about a year ago had put paid to that. But even so, they'd promised to take it slow. Finding Dylan was both of their priorities, but Logan had to admit that having a hand to hold whilst he went through this made things a lot easier.

Logan took two blueberry muffins out of the cupboard and placed them on a plate. He knew Rory would be hungry when she woke up. He placed the plate, a jug of coffee and two mugs on a tray and walked back into the bedroom.

Rory was sat bolt upright in bed.
'Ace,' Logan said 'I told you to go back to sleep'.
'Well you should have known I wouldn't, it's today isn't it?' Rory asked. Logan leant against the doorframe and nodded at Rory.
'Do you think we'll ever find him Logan?' she said. Logan walked over and put the tray on the bed.
'I'm sure he's out there somewhere' he said, placing a hand on Rorys back and rubbing it.
'Do you think she ever feels any remorse?' Rory continued. It was about a week after Dylans dissapearance that Logan had sat Rory down and told her his suspicions about Odette.
'I don't think so', Logan replied, 'if she did, she'd have brought him back to us by now.' He ran his fingers through Rorys hair.
'Have you heard from the private investigator lately?' Rory asked. Logan couldn't do anything but lie to her, but he was doing it to protect her. The private investigator he'd hired never called any more. He hadn't had a lead in months.
'Yeah, he's on it, don't worry' Logan replied, 'my Dad assured me he's one of the best this country has to offer'. At this, Rory managed to smile.
'Well at least that's something then' she said. Logan leant forward, filled up the two mugs with coffee and handed one to Rory. Then he held his cup up in front of him.
'To Dylan, Happy Birthday Son!' Logan said, as he winked at Rory. Rory raised her mug as well and made it clink with Logans.
'Happy Birthday beautiful baby boy' she said.

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