Part 94 - A court room in New Haven

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Rory looked down at her hands. They were barely visible over here baby bump, but were clasped just above her waste and laying on the smart black dress she had ironed this morning.

Today had been a long day, as all of her days in court usually were. This was the second time that Logan and Mitchems lawyers had decided to appeal the courts decision to give Maddie and Antoine custody of Dylan.

Time after time the different judges had taken pity on a young couple who came across as having a deep emotional connection with a little boy they had met when he was only a few months old. They never seemed to have any regard for the heartbreak that loosing Dylan had caused for Rory and Logan.

But Rory was tired now. And every time she thought of this she felt guilty. But every time the court announced their decision it just made everything feel so raw. Almost as painful as the day Dylan had disappeared. And Rory was done now.

As she progressed further and further along in this pregnancy, Rory was feeling more exhausted. No wonder her blood pressure was through the roof! And, although she felt guilty for prioritising one of her children over the other, Rory had to put this babies wellbeing first. The baby she would be holding in her arms soon. As much as Rorys heart ached for Dylan, she had come to realise long ago that she would never hold her little boy in her arms again and she just didn't have the energy to have her heart broken again.

It was Logan and Mitchem who had been pushing to appeal the case every time a verdict came around. Lawyer after lawyer had been put on the case and Rory couldn't bare to think about how much money the custody battle had cost so far. Logan was out of work now, after quiting a job he really wasn't happy with, so getting custody of Dylan seemed to be a sort of project to keep him occupied, up until when the new baby would be born.

But he wasn't here this afternoon was he? And Rory was sat in the court room all alone. Rory knew that it was her who had suggested he leave court early today, so that he could move back into his own apartment, but she'd underestimated the level of emotional support that having someone beside her provided.

Although Rory and Logan were no longer a couple, she would still always love him in one way or another. He was her best friend and knew everything about her. They'd known each other for almost two decades now and there was noone else, apart from her mom of course!, who had provided Rory with so much support.

So, not having Logan here today, somehow Rory felt like a peice of her was missing. Sitting next to the latest in a long line of stern-faced pale lawyers that Mitchem had hired just didn't seem to fit the bill.


As the court came back into session, Rory was awoken from her thoughts by the noise of an usher telling the court to get to their feet as the judge walked in. Rory hadn't been able to help but notice that this latest judge was a woman. The first female judge she'd come across so far in this case. Maybe she was a mother herself and would understand Rorys plight.

Some official murmurings from the usher seemed to wash over Rorys head, as they always did. But after a minute or two, Rorys curiosity was peaked by just a few short words that came out of the judges mouth.

'After much deliberation I have reached a decision on the outcome of this case.'

Woah! They hadn't been expecting that to come this soon.

Rory shuffled closer to the lawyer who was sat next to her. Marcus, she thought this ones name was. Or Lucas, or something like that. There had been too many names for Rory and her baby brain to remember.

'I have to call Logan,' Rory whispered.

The solicitor didn't even turn to face her. His creased face remained in the same position it had been in all day.

'We can't', he replied. 'We just gotta see how this plays out.'

Oh. Rorys face dropped at the thought of having to face this potentially life-altering moment alone.

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