Part 20

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Logan walked into his office and slung his briefcase on the floor. Odette had been missing for a couple of days now. Logan had hired a private investigator to try and track her down, but other than that he was trying to get back to life as normal. Well, as normal as possible. If she wanted to be found she would have been in touch by now.
'Alice! Coffee!' he called out and waited for his assistant to appear at his door, as she always did. Logan sat down in his chair and turned on his computer. He heard the office phone ring and saw Alice rush over to pick up.
'Mr Huntzberger, it's your bank' Alice shouted through to him.
'Ok, put them through' he called back.

'Morning Tom', Logan shouted down the phone.
'Morning Mr Huntzberger' the accountant called back, 'I'm just looking over at your accounts and it seems there's been a lot of transactions made on your credit card these past couple of weeks'.
Logan laughed down the phone, 'Tom, you know I like to splash out every now and again'.
'Yes, well even for you Logan, this seems a pretty significant amount' Tom replied, 'there's been a few quite large transactions, some in the thousands.' Logan knew that Odette had taken his credit card. His wallet was the first thing he'd checked when he'd found out she was missing. He needed to get Tom off the phone, so he could get on with his work.
'Oh Tom, Tom! I've told you buddy!' he started, 'I've been splashing out a bit lately. Bought a couple of things. New flat screen TV, mobile phone, took a few business clients to dinner. You know what it's like'.
'Alright Logan, if you're sure' Tom responsed, 'but I just thought I'd let you know'.
'I appreciate it Tom!' Logan shouted back and went to hang up the phone. But before he did, he suddenly had a thought. 'Wait a minute Tom! Can you tell me where these transactions are coming from?' Logan asked. He couldn't believe he hadn't thought to check that before.
'But I thought you had it down Logan' the accountant replied.
'I do, I do' Logan responded 'it's just my wife's been away in the Maldives this weekend. I wouldn't have put it past her to spend a couple thousand on Margaritas and charge it to my card!'
'Let me see' Tom replied, 'I think I can do that, but I might have to get back to you Logan. Is that ok? Give me about half an hour and I'll have it down'.
'Yeah that's cool, thanks Tom!' Logan replied and he put the phone down.

Logan began sifting through his emails, as he sipped the coffee that was already going cold on his desk. After about five minutes, the phone rang again. He sure was popular this morning. Could he not get a minutes peace.

'It's a miss Rory Gilmore', Alice shouted through to him. Logan froze. Rory hadn't called him in weeks. He'd given her the office number to call in emergencies, but normally she called his cell. Puzzled, he picked up the phone.

'Hey, Rory' he answered 'I wasn't expecting you to call. Is everything alright with Dylan' All he could hear on the other end of the phone was sobbing.
'Rory, is everything ok?' he called down the phone. Again just more sobbing. 'Talk to me Rory, please'.
'He's gone! Logan!' Rory managed between sobs.
'Who's gone?' Logan asked.
'It's Dylan. He's gone' came Rorys reply, 'he's missing from his crib, I think someones taken him'. Logan put his head in his hands and rested an elbow on the desk.
'No, that can't have happened', his answer was definite, 'are you sure?'
'I was out with mom and Paris and Luke was at home sitting him. He thought he heard a noise, so he woke up and he walked into my room and Dylan was gone. I'm not even home yet. We're in the cab. I don't even know what to do.'
'Have you called 911?' Logan asked her, pragmatically. His heart broke to hear her like this.
'Yeah, moms doing that right now. Oh Logan, I'm so scared!' she replied. Logan jumped out of his seat, almost pulling the phone out of its socket.
'Rory, it's all gonna be ok', he hoped, 'I'm getting in a cab now and then I'll fly over on the jet and be there right away. I'm gonna call my PI from the car. Don't worry, we'll find him'.
'Ok, thanks Logan, I'll let you know if anything happens this end' Rory replied and she hung up the phone.
As Logan reached the bottom of the stairs to his office building and stepped onto the forecourt, his phone rang again. It was Tom.
'Hey Tom, I've kinda had something personal come up', Logan said as he flagged down the car Alice had booked fot him, 'so can we give this one a rain check?'
'Sorry Logan' Tom replied, 'but I think this ones kinda important, you're gonna wanna hear it. So I checked the location of those credit card transactions and no transactions were made from the Maldives. But there was one place that came up. Connecticut. Isn't that your old stopping ground?'
'Yeah it sure is Tom, thanks for letting me know. I'll chase that one up' Logan answered, as he hung up the phone and begun to get into the car. As Logan sat down in the car, he froze. She couldn't have could she?

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