Part 89

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Rory let the cool breeze wash over her face. How long she'd been standing here, she didn't know, but it was nice to just be able to get some fresh air and quiet.
Quiet. Something she hadn't had all day. Between the tense conversation she'd had with her mom and the two altercations she'd had with Logan, Rory had barely had time to breath and process what had been going on.

The silence was broken by a quiet voice calling Rorys name.
'Rory'. As the voice got closer, Rory realised that it belonged to Logan.
Rory closed her eyes and clenched her teeth. She really wasn't ready to do this right now.

'Rory what's going on?'
Rory could feel a hand on her shoulder, but she pushed it away.
Logan moved forward, so that he was now sat directly in Rorys line of sight.
'No, Rory. I'm not gonna let you do this again.'
'Just go away, Logan.' Rory didn't even look in
Logans direction, she just continued staring off into the distance.

Logan moved forward and perched on the wall that Rory was leaning on.
'Rory, this really isn't fair!'
Rory could sense the hurt in Logans voice and it made her feel guilty.
'You've already pushed me away twice today Rory and I'm not gonna let you do it again. Just tell me what's going on.'

Logan moved his hand so that it was on top of Rorys. She didn't know why, but this time she didn't move. The feel of his warm skin on hers made her heart flutter.
'I've been dying for you to do that all day', Rory said, surpising herself by the words that were falling out of her mouth.
Logan stood up and moved closer to Rory, still keeping his hand in the same place.
'I've been dying to do that all day as well.'

They stood for about a minute, the sun washing  over them, as Logan rubbed Rorys hand gently with his thumb.
Rory broke the silence.
'I'm sorry', she said.
Logan moved closer to her. Close enough that she could feel his breath on her neck and close enough that her heart started racing at a thousand miles per hour.
'Sorry for what?' he asked.
'For the way I've been with you today. I've been such an ass.'

Logan placed one hand on Rorys hip and sent shivers down her spine.
'You haven't been an ass.' His voice was soft in her ear. 'Todays been tough on us all. Take it from the guy who just fired his lawyer for no reason!'
Rory laughed.
'But honestly, ace,' Logan placed the other hand one the back of Rorys hip and slipped his arms around her. She fell into him in the same way she always did. 'What's going on? This really isn't you. I know there's something going on in that head of yours..' Logan reached a hand up and tapped Rorys head. '..and I just wanna know what it is.'

Rory took a deep breath in, breathing in Logans familiar scent. She couldn't do this. Not here. Not now. Not when everything was finally starting to peice back together.

'I can't do this here', Rory said, looking around at the crowd of people who stood just metres away.
'Do what?' Logan asked, a confused tone in his voice.
'What time do we have to get into court?' Rory looked down at Logans wrist, that was now lying on her stomach.
'Oh, I think they're gonna call it a day', Logan chuckled to himself. 'I had to go and tell the judge about Walter and he's given me till tomorrow to find a new lawyer.'

'Logan!' Rory kicked Logans leg. 'That's not funny! You really need to get that sorted out!'
'Don't worry..' Logan said, after he'd jumped back in surprise. 'I gave my father a call and he's gonna sort one out. But that doesn't matter...what's going on Rory?' As Logan moved round to stand In front of Rory, he took both of her hands in his. 'You're scaring me now.'

Rory moved one of her hands, so that she now only had hold of Logan with one. She started walking towards the car park and, reluctantly, Logan followed behind her.
'What's going on, ace?' he asked.
'Nothing', Rory said. 'Well actually there is something going on, but I can't tell you here. We gotta go somewhere else.'

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