Part 85 - A court room in New Haven

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Rory climbed down from Lukes truck and flattened down the skirt of her black suit dress. She looked up to see Logan stood directly in front of her.

'God, Logan!' Rory almost jumped out of her skin.
'What kept you so long?' He asked.
Rory looked down at her watch. The time was 9.30am. She squinted, confused.
'Chill out, Logan! It's only 9.30! Court doesn't sit until 10.30.
'Well,' Logan said, 'Walters meeting us inside and he wanted us to have a little pre meeting to discuss the case we're gonna put forward. The court opens at 10.15, so that only gives us 45 minutes.'
'God, Logan!' Rory rolled her eyes. 'Maybe if you'd stop standing in my way and let me get onto the pavement, then we might actually get inside.'
Logan stepped back and Rory made her way onto the pavement, pushing past him so that she could head towards the steps of the court.
'I don't really understand..' Rory said, 'why we need to have this pre meeting? I thought that was what Thursday was for.'

Rory scuttled as fast as she could towards the court door, as if somehow moving faster would get today over with quicker. She heard Logan walking just a few centimetres behind her.

'I know', Logan said. 'I just think Walter wanted to iron a few things out. Cross a few T's and dot the I's'.

'Well lets go then!' Rory threw her arms in the air, as she walked towards the double doors. 'We can't keep Mitchem Huntzbergers top layer. No-sorry. Top family lawyer waiting. God knows what you're paying him and time is money, so we gotta talk quick.'

Logan was still hot on Rorys tails as she made her way through the lobby of the court room. He put a hand on Rorys shoulder, forcing her to pause for one second to move away from him.
'Rory', Logan closed his eyes for a split second. 'Rory, that was uncalled for.'

Rory didn't stop to respond to Logan. She just made her way over to the reception desk.
'My names Rory Gilmore', she said to the receptionist on the desk. 'And this is Logan Huntzberger. The great Logan Huntzberger. You must have heard of him before.'
The receptionist looked puzzled, as she tapped away at the computer screen.
'That's right', Rory continued, 'we're here for the Huntzberger vs Touissant case. And the case is in his name, because he's the man and..'

Rory continued to talk as Logans hand came across her mouth.
'I'm so sorry!' Logan put his hand out towards the receptionist, before he twisted Rory around to face him.
Rory tried to move away, but both of Logans hands were now on her shoulders, his grip so firm that she could hardly move.

Logan looked at Rory and narrowed his eyebrows.
'Rory' he said in a hushed voice. 'What's going on?'
'What do you care?' Rory snapped.
Logan loosened his grip on Rorys shoulders and looked her directly in the eyes.
'Of course I care', he said.
'Well you don't have to.' Rory was now looking down at the floor and twisting one foot backwards and forwards.

Logan moved his hands down Rory arms. She tried to move away, but he tightened his grip.
'You're right', he said. 'I don't have to. But I do.'
'No Logan!' Rorys tone was getting louder again. She wriggled around and finally managed to retrieve himself from Logans grasp. 'You don't get it do you. You might want to care. But you don't get to. You don't get to care any more. It's not as if you're my boyfriend!'

Rory turned to move away, but was caught by the arms of Lorelai, who had now appeared behind her. As Lorelai walked Rory over towards some nearby chairs, Rory leant her head on her moms chest, gaining the comfort that she'd been seeking all morning.

Lorelai sat Rory down on one of the chairs and looked into her bleary red eyes. She stretched one hand out to tuck Rorys hair behind her ear.
'Now what's going on honey?'

Rory said nothing, but just let the tears roll down her face. How could she tell anyone what she'd really been thinking about all morning?

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