Part 17 - Stars Hollow

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Rory was woken up by a knock at the front door. She rolled over in bed and covered her face with the pillow. Just five more minutes! The knocking got louder and louder.
'Coming!' she heard her mum shout from the other side of the house. When Rory heard a clicking sound and the door swing open, she knew who it was and she knew she had to get out of bed.
'Morning Lorelai!' she heard Paris shout, in a gleeful tone. The fact that her mum had managed to get downstairs bought Rory a bit more time.
'Morning Paris! Do what do we owe the pleasure'. Lorelai replied, in a sleepy voice.

Rory climbed out of bed and reached for a sweatshirt that was scrunched up on the floor in front of her. She put it over her head and walked over to the crib to check on Dylan. He was sound asleep, as always. That kid slept so much!

'Rory!' Paris shouted.
'Coming!' Rory replied, as she pulled the sweatshirt down at the sides and crossed her bedroom towards the kitchen. Rory had barely managed to get into the kitchen before Paris thrust a takeout coffee cup into her hand.
'Here!' Paris said. Rory glanced down at the coffee cup up her hand.
'Erm, thanks Paris', she said.
'You're probably wondering what I'm doing here at this fine hour', Paris began, 'well I have been relieved of my dear little cherubs this weekend. It seems Doyle has taken them on some sort of skiing trip, the French Alps or somewhere I don't know. And for some strange reason I seem to have no work this weekend either. Now, with all this free time on my hands, I thought why not visit my good friend Rory Gilmore'. She placed a hand on Rorys shoulder, 'and her mother, Lorelai Gilmore. Or have you taken the name of that diner owner you're married to now. I don't know'. Lorelai tried to interupt to explain, but Paris just carried on. 'So I decided that I would spend this weekend in the charming little town of Stars Hollow. I assume you have some sort of a couch for me to sleep on, do you not Lorelai?' All Lorelai could do was nod. 'Now Rory', she carried on 'I have a fantastic day of small town activities planned for me, you and Logan 2.0 and then I thought that us girls could spend a night out on the town.'
'Paris, why did you not just call?' Rory asked, rubbing her eyes.
'Don't be silly' Lorelai replied, 'that would be far too simple for Paris. She likes to do things the old fashioned way, don't you honey?'
'Soo...are you up for it?' Paris asked.
'Today sounds like a great idea Paris' Rory yawned 'and I would love for you to be able to spend time with Dylan'.
'And it's not as if we had any plans...' Lorelai sad sarcastically and nudged her daughter, who was now stood next to her.
'But I don't think we can do tonight', Rory continued 'I'm breastfeeding at the moment so I can't go out and drink and my grandmother has been begging me this past few weeks to finally get back into going for Friday night dinner. Plus, I don't have a sitter for Dylan'.
'Rory, please' Paris began 'the odd vodka and tonic won't hurt when you're breastfeeding-in fact it actually did mine a world of good! And I've seen you brush your grandmother off for Friday night dinner what must have been a thousand times in the years I've known you. And as far as a sitters concerned, why don't you ask that diner guy?'
'Who, Luke?' Rory asked.
'Well how many other diner owners has your mother had sexual relations with?' Paris replied.
'Do you think he would mom?' Rory asked, turning to face Lorelai. Come to think of it, she could really do with a break and she hadn't seen Paris for a while.
'Well he's at the diner right now, but he normally gets off about 8. I can give him a call' Lorelai replied, as she dialed her husbands number.

'Hey honey!' Lorelai called into the phone 'you know how much you love me and Rory and your new little grandson...'
'Why do I feel like I'm being roped into something?' Rory heard Luke reply.
'Well it looks like me, Rory and Paris are gonna go and have a little girls night tonight. Would you mind sitting Dylan for a couple of hours?'
'Erm, I'm not sure...' came Lukes reply, 'I'm not that great with babies'.
'Luke...' Lorelai replied, they'd been through this before. It never took long for Luke to give over.
'Alright, alright you girls, deserve a night out. I'll be home around 8 and I can take him from there'.
'Thank you honey!' Lorelai called back.
'Thank you!' Rory managed to shout, before her mum hung up the phone.

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